US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

What a long winded way of admitting that you’re a complete hypocrite and change your stances based on the people involved.

I don’t - that’s the point - but it flew over your head like that jumbo jet flew over Ellis Park before the 1995 Rugby World Cup final, hence your only managing a dumb one sentence blusterous response.

Well, well, well.

Fox News’s top legal analyst, Andrew Napolitano, says that Barr’s completely biased summary means that the Mueller report “undoubtedly” DID find evidence of conspiracy and obstruction of justice.

That’s FOX NEWS - which has acted as effectively a North Korean-style state television network for Trump.

So, where’s that Mueller report again?

Oh yeah, Republicans have vowed that it will NEVER see the light of day.

Democracy in the US is under mortal attack.

From February 14th.

Barr was handpicked by Trump because he had stated last summer that the Mueller investigation should be shut down. And that’s what he did. And it’s what he whitewashed.

And that’s what Republicans were clamouring for him to do.

Democracy and justice the US are a joke.


Fox News is your new credible source now :joy: Careful now or you’ll turn into one of them Nazis.

were you not accused of hate speech by a lad called Otejunde recently?

Work it out, pal. If even Trump’s equivalent of North Korean state TV is admitting that Barr’s summary is bullshit written by a handpicked lackey, it is.

If there was a sentence in the entire report that exonerated Trump, Barr would have quoted it in big bold letters, with the entire page it was on for context. There is no such quote.

We have 64 words from the report (just for context, there are 111 words in this post). We don’t even have one full sentence. If this is best a lackey brought in specifically to whitewash the report can do, the report is good for Trump, not good at all.

Here’s State Attorney Kim Foxx reluctantly admitting that she believes Jussie Smollett is guilty of the crimes he was charged with, and yet she dropped charges. The FBI are now looking into the details as to why charges were dropped, this one is going to get ugly real fast.

You still can’t accept that you were wrong :laughing:

I have worked it out. I have no idea who the author is, but the article you posted is one of the worst pieces of"journalism" I have ever read. It’s actually stunning that a even pretend journalist would quote it. Have a listen to the actual interview and then ask yourself whether you would write that article with that headline. If the answer is yes, you should hand your degrees back.

If you still can’t figure it out, I’ll try and explain it to you.

It’s official US policy. “The Rapture” is coming. :laughing:

That’s the second rapture silly. The first has already come and gone.

Do you still believe he was exonerated? Even though the state persecutor specifically said he was not exonerated, but accepted a plea bargain. You are some clown.

The prosecutor’s office sent out an email desperately looking for precedent for the plea bargain, a cry for help. They were obviously under some serious pressure to drop the charges.

I don’t argue that the piece was badly written. It’s Fox, after all.

You seem much more interested in that - which is irrelevant - than in what Napolitano said.

If you had any interest in journalism, you’d know that the pimary source is what matters - and that’s Napolitano.

You’ve no interest on what Napolitano said because it might pierce your little far right bubble.

All charges against him were dropped - you are seething because he’s black and you wanted to see him locked up because of that - your posts on the topic prove it,

The irony is that this comes from a drunken bozo who thinks Trump was exonerated when even the designated cover upper couldn’t say that. :laughing:

OK, I’ll explain it to you.

Mueller spent two years investigating these charges, interviewed 500 witnesses, issued 2,800 subpoenas and almost 500 search warrants. Every single item is called evidence, some might suggest collusion, some might suggest the opposite. At the end of the process Mueller did not suggest indicting anyone, not Trump, not Trump Jn, etc. His investigation “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in it’s election interference activities”.

When the report is public and it will be in the coming weeks, every piece of evidence will be scrutinized, and any evidence that can be argued to suggest collusion will be done so by Democrats. That’s the point Napolitano is saying. It’s simply stunning how ignorant you are of how a justice system works, but then again you are the one who stated Paddy Jackson was guilty even before his trial began.

Are you still standing by your statement that he was exonerated?

I’m not the only one seething at this decision, one justice system for a Hollywood celebrity, and a different one for the rest of society. Not a good precedent.

I’m glad you’re seething. I’m always glad when those who hate justice are seething.

The fact you think justice was served here says a lot about you. The privileged, well connected and rich deserve a separate justice system, the mask has slipped.

We don’t have the report - and it’s bleedin’ obvious the report has
i) been completely whitewashed by a partisan lackey who covered up Iran-Contra and was brought in specifically to cover this up - the Republicans were open about their plan to do this
ii) will not be released - Republicans have called for it to be burned - you’d want to be spectacularly naive to believe they will release it voluntarily - they are crooks
iii) was extremely limited in scope - even then the whitewashed summary was extremely curious in it’s language

Trump is guilty as hell - even you admit he colluded with the Russians - and the small amount of democracy remaining in the US is now under mortal threat from a fascist government who are part of trans-national crime syndicate - morons like you just sit there and cheerlead as Trump turns the US into Putin’s Russia and Erdogan’s Turkey.

The US is fucking rotten and the Republican party needs to be taken down - if the law won’t do it, the people are the only hope. They are criminals, religious whack jobs and fascists - many of them are all three.