US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Calm down pet, you’ll give yourself another mental breakdown.

There really is no hope for anybody who posts this. It’s possibly the most stupid, idiotic, brain dead “talking point” you far right nutjobs have in a whole world of them.

It is literally a completely alternative, fantastical reality. There are lads going around brained off their head on LSD who are more in touch with reality. It’s QAnon level stuff. That is your level.

You’re in favour of the second ammendment then?

This is actually your A game in terms of “debate” now - that’s how bad you’ve dug yourself into the far right extremist rabbit hole.

You’ve taken this loss very badly pal, it’s 2016 all over again.

I’m not sure what in my post leads you to think that - but funnily enough - the second amendment was actually introduced for a situation such as this - because if it doesn’t apply to the fascist Trump regime, it couldn’t ever apply to any regime.

I’m not the one who’s losing, pal - that’s you - in the very narrow parameters of posting in this forum as your obsessive far right racist ideology has been progressively outed - and the American people, who are very definitely losing, losing bigly.

Come over and join the resistance mate.

It’s quite hilarious how liberals regarded saint Mueller as the savior for the past two years and now he’s a corrupt cunt :joy:

Exactly. So you’re in favour of it?

Where does anything indicate that I am? Why is your comprehension level that of a six year old?

Scratch a socialist and you find a fascist lurking beneath. Same as it ever was.

You’ll have to do a lot better than rolling out some brain dead cliche you saw on a far-right propaganda site.

You are an actual fascist, remember (complete with your neo-Nazi talking points and self-admitted support for torture), which has been demonstrated beyond any doubt at all over the last three years - while I am the very opposite.

I support freedom and democracy - you support their abolition.

These are self-evident, objective truths which you find very hard to accept even though you know full well they’re the truth - and why you now have nothing else except in your locker except far right trolling tactics stolen from far right propaganda sites.

You should be institutionalized mate, for the safety of my beloved Galway brethren.

I was just making the point that the second ammendment was included with taking down a corrupt government in mind. I thought even you could grasp the irony.

Wow, another brain dead one line reply. That’s really told me.

Oh, and you’ve admitted before you hate Galway city, especially their women (what a surprise - I imagine they all thought you were a cunt too) so I’m surprised you’re now feigning any affinity to the place.

I made that point, not you.

But it was entirely predictable how your comprehension failing would lead you into straw man territory.

It’s so much easier to argue with a straw man than with a real one.

Have you bought your ticket to Pakistan yet?

I’d have thought you’d fit in a lot better there given the predominant far right, women-hating ideology is very similar to yours?

Have you tried to get into Saudi Arabia? I’m sure they’d love to have you given your opinion of their ruling regime as “benevolent”. :laughing: