US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Biden is the most likely DNC candidate to beat Trump as he would easily win the battleground states. This is a clear effort to take him out as no way the DNC will run an “old white man” candidate. Bernie will be taken our next, just like 2016. The most likely Democratic candidate for 2020 is Kamala Harris, followed by Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren.

No love for Mayor Pete? I think he will be in the running. A thoroughly alright sort from what I have seen of him.

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Prez Boot-edge-edge all the way

He’s definitely a rising star and has a lot of potential, but will suffer from lack of name recognition. A bit too soon for him, but I agree, possibly the most likable of the candidates.

Time for Mr. Barr to resign for deliberately misleading his nation, and the world.

Though he did explicitly fulfil his job description.

O’Rourke is simultaneously right and wrong here. Right because Trump’s rhetoric and actions re migrants are straight out of the Nazi playbook, wrong because the US itself has much more of a Nazi-like past (and sadly, present) than it will ever admit.

Snyder’s book “On Tyranny” is essential reading.

Fucking hell. Would you not just put up the first one and tell people to follow the thread you utter lunatic?


Because innocent people would rather go to the Supreme Court than release their taxes

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Kushner likely gave the Saudis the information they wanted to murder Washington Post writer Jamal Khashoggi.

Ties nicely into the Saudis hacking job on Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos.

A White House staff member has told House investigators that senior officials have overruled concerns raised about 25 individuals whose security clearances were initially denied over a range of disqualifying issues – such as fears about foreign influence and potential conflicts-of-interests – warning of the grave implications to national security, according to a senior Democratic lawmaker.

Tim should dry his eyes at this stage.


Full on Gemma this lad

Riggins prefers to cry on the Brexit thread these days mate

His worldview has collapsed about him in ruins