US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Because innocent people try to hide literally everything

Senate Republicans can’t explain why they keep blocking a resolution calling for the release of the Mueller report

Their unspoken reasoning: They’re doing it to protect Trump.

Why do you swallow every old shit and outright lies you read on left wing propaganda sites?

  1. Barr has publicly stated in a letter to congress the Mueller report will be released in mid April, which is one week from now.

  2. All Republican members of the House of Representatives voted to release the report, not that it makes any difference, it’s going to be released anyway. What a few Republican senators think is irrelevant.

The level of delusion from the left regarding this report is simply astounding. Do you seriously think Mueller, regarded as one of the top prosecutors in the US, would sit by silently while Barr misrepresents his report? Do you think Barr would misrepresent the report’s findings knowing that it is going to be released? Only an absolute headcase could believe such nonsense.


Typically, you’ve done the exact thing you’ve erroneously accused me of there - swallowing any old shit.

You don’t judge Republicans by words, because they’re outright shameless liars, every single one of them. As are you, obviously.

You judge them by actions, and they’re actions are that of a shameless racist, kleptocratic, fascist regime - the reason you love them is because you love all of racism, kleptocracy and fascism.

You’re some gullible fool to think Barr wasn’t brought in to shut down the Mueller investigation and deliberately lie as to its findings. That’s exactly what he was brought to do and he was handpicked for the job because of his history of covering upp Iran-Contra and his public comments calling for the Mueller investigation to be shut down.

Even the Mueller team have leaked that he lied about what’s in the report - which you very conveniently missed - facts which don’t suit never have a chance of registering with your little pea-sized Nazi-loving excuse for a brain.

Oh, and the report is extremely narrow in scope - lack of criminal indictments on narrow, specific definitions does not detract from the facts of what Trump is - a Russian asset who is doing the bidding of a trans-national crime syndicate headed by the Russian mafia.

Terminal fools and scumbags like you are fodder for mass propaganda and disinformation.

Trump changes tune on public release of Mueller report

Republican Senator suggests someone could be “killed” if unredacted Mueller report is released to public

There you go again, unable to debate without resorting to personal abuse, the sign of a beaten docket, which you have been repeatedly on this thread since 2016.

Try and engage your brain before responding again.

All politicians are liars, the fact you think only Republicans are liars exposes you as incapable of rational thought. A few unnamed sources from inside the Mueller team are the source for the NYT story that you have swallowed up as if Mueller himself was the source. Why would it be surprising that a number (possibly the majority) of the team Mueller assembled would be liberals and hate Trump?

Barr has zero ability to either shut down or lie as to the findings of the Mueller report, your lack of knowledge of how the US justice system works is astounding. The report will be made public within the next week and every lunatic will have the ability to dissect it. Mueller will undoubtedly be asked to testify before congress. The bottom line is Mueller issued no new indictments, so no one will be charged, regardless of how much the Democrats scream about the findings.

You’ve been wrong again mate, accept it and move on with your life… and try and give up the hate, it’s eating you up.


Fanboiesque Fox News copy and pasted fascist rot from a pea-brained Nazi-loving racist shithead with less than no ability to think critically

The same rot we’ve read for three years - “Fascist kleptocrat good, everybody who isn’t a shill for him bad”

Again, zzzzzzzzzz

You don’t even deserve such a response such is your spectacular stupidity and obsessive hateful nature so you should be down on your knees thanking me that I’m even acknowledging your sad, pathetic useless existence


You are completely mad. Seek help.

Well now :thinking:

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Wasn’t Abe Lincoln a Republican? He issued a little something called the Emancipation Proclamation, ever hear of it?

Nazi scumbag accuses normal person of being mad.

There’d be a punchline there if you weren’t a Nazi.

What college is it you’re a “professor” in?

Can we assume you’re an alumnus of Trump University? :laughing:

You are the living embodiment of godwins law

The current Republican party is pro-confederacy mate, that’s why Charlottesville happened - this is really basic stuff

Godwin’s Law only applies to inappropriate Nazi comparisons - it doesn’t apply when it’s targeted at an actual Nazi like racist white supremacist “professor” @anon7035031 who has a proven track record of defending Nazis and uttering Nazi talking points

What is needed in US politics right now is more Nazi comparisons as they are the only ones that are appropriate right now

Slavery aside the Confederacy and secession was the way to go, the US is too big and too diverse.

Except you are the only fascist on here mate… but carry on.

It’s the pro-slavery nature of the confederacy that appeals to modern day Republicans who rue the day it was ever abolished

No godwins law states that as an internet discussion goes on the probability of someone mentioning Nazis or hitler approaches 1.

You passed 1 about 4 exits back. Now it’s every post.

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To fascists like you the non-fascists are always the fascists.

Your “reasoning” is literally that of a four year old.

Heaven help your pupils from the vile racist rot you no doubt inflict on them, you utter disgrace of a man

Quick question: If somebody is a Nazi is it appropriate to label them as such?

Goebbels or some fella., fill your boots.

A nice chap in America that you don’t like, a bit too far.

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