US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

My word, the Trump regime is now the regime of female genital mutilation

Original decision was made by a Reagan-appointed judge

Is random facts girl trying to be funny?

The Republicans’ war on women continues

What a country, God bless corruption hiding in plain sight

Scumbag attorney Michael Avenatti most likely heading to prison for a very long time. This is the “expert” attorney that CNN and MSNBC had on their networks 108 times in a 3 month period in 2018, paying him an estimated $175 million… and still you have idiots wondering why the American public distrust the media.

$175m? Hmmmm

I’m confidently going to call this bullshit

It’s a $175m worth of free media :joy::joy::joy::joy:
You can take it from here Sid

I see you’re pretending to be a “Democrat” over on :laughing:

That works out at $1.62m per appearance. :grin:

Puts Marian Finucane in the shade anyway.

You accused me of being some nutcase Republican on two days ago.
Make your mind up, ffs.

Ah, reeled you in nicely with that one, didn’t I.

I know exactly what you are.

It’s you who’s deeply confused.

And now you’re even confused about who’s confused, that’s how deep your confusion runs.

That’s called incitement to hatred.

By the New York Post.

Ilhan Omar on the other hand continues to call out the raving racist right on their hate speech.

If only the US had more fearless, principled politicians who actually want to serve the public good like her.

I don’t post on boards pal.

I have lived rent free in your head here for the past 3 years, no desire to embarrass you elsewhere.

Sure you don’t :grin:

Wow, great material, the beauty of it is in its originality and wittiness

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Lawyers etc

And yet people believe them.

Exclusive sneak preview of the “Mueller report” due to be released tomorrow: