US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

It’s fascinating to watch the transition of Mueller from being the hero of leftist nutcases a few months ago to now being a corrupt asshole. He is literally destroying their lives in front of our eyes.


Nobody here called Mueller corrupt exceppt yourself, pal - but it’s hardly a surprise that that flew right over your little head.

William Barr however, is definitely corrupt.

So much for “non-interventionism”, eh.

Trump is in Saudi Arabia’s pocket.

Dershowitz must be sweating like a rapist,

Giuffre claims in the lawsuit, as she has in past court filings, that Dershowitz, 80, knew about and participated in a sex-trafficking operation involving underage girls and run by Epstein and Maxwell, and that she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz and other prominent, wealthy menwhen she was underage.

Stands to reason that the forum’s white supremacist-in-chief loves Sam Harris - another stupid person’s idea of an intelligent person

Harris doesn’t seem very intelligent however because this is the sort of stuff that only a very stupid person would say

You have much more in common with Sam Harris than I have. Like yourself he is a militant atheist, and hates all religions, just hates Islam more than others. It’s glorious though to see leftists consume each other with hatred and attack fellow liberals, it’s no wonder the left has been decimated.

As to his intelligence, he has a PhD in Neuroscience from UCLA, so your depiction of him as stupid makes you look really really stupid. It’s fascinating how you hate everyone who is successful, pure jealousy.

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Thanks for your informed insight

I see you didn’t address his stupid, bigoted comments because you obviously agree with them entirely as you’re also stupid and bigoted.

Thanks the for the 4chan level offended angry bluster though.

This, and other similar outrages, is what Sam Harris was referring to. The fact leftists are attacking him for denouncing vile acts like this is disgusting.

Why are you so outraged by someone denouncing mass rapes, mostly of children, and not outraged by actual rape of children.

He’s not denouncing rape at all, he’s doing nothing more than deliberately spreading vile racist propaganda which appeals to white supremacist Muslim haters like you

You’re too thick to see that, even if you were capable of seeing it you’d still lap it up - you’re a vile person full of hatred

I’ve been right on Harris all along and it really sickens you that I’ve been proved right yet again, doesn’t it

Political correctness, who cares if childrens lives are destroyed, that pales in comparison to imagined oppression

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Thanks for clearing up that you are OK with the mass rape of children, as long as it is done by Muslims.

It sums you up really, a rape apologist.

So, nothing more than more frothing lies

The intellectual dishonesty of the racist right just gets more shameless by the day

All you have is ad hominems and lies

You’re a joke

Post reported


You just admitted that you’re OK with obviously baseless accusations of saying people are OK with rape - just like Sam Harris did - even though you fanatically support a politician against whom there are credible allegations of rape

You’re a joke

Think about where you are in your life and take stock and change your life because you’re obviously badly, badly messed up and an extremely unhappy, hate-filled person - to be fair I shouldn’t be taking advantage of you for laughs or ridiculing you as you’re obviously genuinely vulnerable

You are the only hate filled person on this site, and it’s obvious to everyone.

These are the facts:

  1. You choose to bring up Sam Harris and somehow link me to him, even though you share far more of his views than I do, especially his/your hatred for religion.
  2. There have been multiple instances of Muslim grooming gangs raping children in UK cities. Leftists like yourself cannot bring themselves to condemn it, although you get outraged by a rugby player being found not guilty of rape.
  3. Sam Harris criticizes those who won’t confront and condemn such outrages and gets called a racist for doing so.

I’ll let others decide who is the joke.

You linked yourself to him by agreeing with his hate-filled views

You are doing exactly what the Nazis did in the 1930s and you’re shameless about it

Your ignorance of history is astounding

You called the far right Saudi regime “benevolent”

You regularly engage in hate speech

You are a badly, badly messed up person

Have a lie down mate.

I’m not sure why you think I’d need a lie down when you’re frothing at the mouth with outright hate speech on here everyday

Your lack of self-awareness and delusion about what is normal is utterly laughable

You are totally brainwashed