US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Sid take a break and enjoy the sun mate. I don’t think you posting on TFK is going to turn the tide on Trump some how.

I don’t control what happens in the US pal

However it has now been proved that the Trump regime is thoroughly corrupt, colluding, rotten and a grave threat to democracy both in the the US and beyond and needs to be taken down by democratic, legal means

I’ve been right here all along and that has been throroughly proved, I guess you could say it’s my e-moment in the sun - I’ve got plenty of real sun already today but thanks for your concern anyway

Time for Huckabee Sanders to resign in disgrace

Peter Smith “committed suicide” in May 2017

Sure he did

There is no longer a question of whether Trump conspired with Russia - he did

This is Richard Burr

The Republican party is irredeemably corrupt

Banana Republic.

I have sid and Labane both on ignore, I don’t know what they’re saying.

My reading of the day is that fairly right wing websites like the Daily Mail and Fox News are leading with the “I’m fucked” line and most moderate websites are also leading with that but following up with “11 instances of obstruction, Mueller refuses to exonerate Trump”. I think Trump is losing today, albeit narrowly, and his early gloating makes him look dishonest.

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It’s a pity you have me on ignore as you could really do with my wisdom on US related matters.

You have it spot on, it’s both good and bad for Trump. Obviously his base and most Republicans will see it as a complete exoneration. The problem for him is it is abundantly clear that he tried to obstruct the investigation but his attorneys/advisers didn’t let him. That will potentially hurt him in 2020 with Independents who voted for him in 2016, although it’s still 18 months away and people quickly forget.

There’s also a lot that could happen between now and Nov 2020. The Democratically controlled House could decide to follow @Sidney’s advise and try and impeach him. It’s a real conundrum for Democrats as if they fail it would be a huge loss. You can also expect that Trump and Republicans will now go aggressively after the FBI/DOJ partisans who tried to take Trump out using suspect intel paid for by the DNC. I just heard Clapper say seeking impeachment would be unwise, the reason he is saying that is he could well be heading to prison for his part in the unlawful FISA warrants. The next 18 months will be fascinating.

Image result for kamala harris for 2020


this is one of the greatest threads I have ever seen

Nancy Pelosi has decided to not pursue impeachment.
Thank God we have a sensible person as our leader.

E-lives have been lost because of this thread.

Gas cunt

@anon7035031 seems to be pursuing the “I’m really a Democrat” line now :grinning:

He is, and I’m a Manchester City fan :grin:

Did somebody say “gas cunt”?

Yes, they did!

I’m all for a bit of crack, but this is a full blown tragedy. And I’m not referring to the US political scene.


The problem here is that there are a few lads who one suspects will be lucky to merely lose their e-lives

Literal lives are being destroyed, while their owners try and put a brave face on the situation

But underneath, mental illness is sprouting like knotweed

The Galway natives have been particularly hard hit

Never take a position without evidence and hang onto it in the face of the evidence for fear of losing face

The Glenn Greenwald mental delusion

Wiiiilll youuuu eeever just shut the fuck up

Why should I shut up? Because you want me to? :grinning:

Where’s my free speech?

I’ve routed all comers on this thread, the thread needs me otherwise it’ll die

Which poster sent me this PM? :grinning:

Labane is a complete and utter gimp, I’m surprised the cunt can type. He talks about himself as a secularist free-thinker type but his country (USA) is in the process of being completely taken over by religious nutjobs and our country is in the process of being completely freed. Within 10 years Ireland will be more secular than the USA for women’s rights etc and wankstains like Labane will be the cause of it but he’ll still be defending Trump or Trump.v2.

Anyhow I was reading this because I was going to start into the TFK again but now after reading this idiot I’m going to try to stop posting on TFK.

Think for a moment about this cunt Labane. He’s left Ireland years ago because of greed and cynicism, now he’s all alone and his only friends (he says and who’s to doubt him) are non-white folks that he obviously has no real connection with. All alone in a foreign country, hating himself and his neighbours and his friends. Up at ungodly hours to fight with people from the mother country online because they’re the only ones he feels any vague connection with. What the fuck hour is it in the USA when he’s posting this. To quote the great wankstain bertie Ahern, he’s a failed human being.