US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Hard to believe he’s the most powerful man in the World :joy: He’s the greatest wum that ever lived



The report shows Barr lied about the report’s findings on collusion

The white supremacist has been humiliated

Well played Sid

Mueller all but calls outright for impeachment

It is glorious what he is doing to people

Impeachment proceedings are a must if democracy in the US is to survive

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Trump is basically a front for the illegal Russian occupation of a sovereign state

The words of an innocent man, or something, lolz

Straight up collusion

Barr is a corrupt lackey but then we always knew that

At least he has somebody on this forum who will always unconditionally believe him

When @anon7035031 says he’s off to work, perhaps he means he’s off to work for Trump’s equivalent of the SS



Oh dear @anon7035031

You are what happens when you take a wrong position on the INTERNET and then desperately flail around for three years trying to defend it in the face of the evidence :laughing:

Well done Sid, you were right all along

Anyone care to guess how many chrome tabs @Sidney has open right now?


He’ll be control and pasting stuff in this thread for the next 12 hours at least.

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He literally is Twitter right now.

You must be fierce inefficient on a computer if you’re doing that

Neal Katyal is the author of the special counsel guidelines

Barr’s fake and corrupt narrative has been blown apart

The game is up for Glenn Greenwald’s shill campaign for Trump

He has been thoroughly discredited

@anon7035031 will be devo