US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

@Steven_Naimsith , who lost his shit entirely at the end of 2016.


Was that not @kid_chocolate?

I have these pricks on ignore and I don’t want to take them off, please explain what this is about

Sid has a big secret and feels important

Mate, the ignore function is for softcocks who shouldn’t be on TFK. Man up and turn it off.


Nah nah its the only reason I’m even reading this thread. You can’t waste your life on these degenerates


I was only messing when I said it wasn’t @Tank.

It was @Tank.


I don’t pm anymore, no sport in it.

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That was a good shout tbf

This was the best moment of your day.

Great to see @DonaldTrump completely vindicated. He can now get on with running the greatest country in the world, where the American dream lives again. The lefties and the intellectually bankrupt that support the ‘resistance’ can cry as much as they like, no one gives a fuck. God Bless America.


Huge boost to Trump’s reelection chances today. The whinging dumb cunts on CNN, MSNBC and Twitter are literally handing him the 2020 election. It’s remarkable how much damage can be done by such a small number of absolute fuckwits, the power of social media. As you say no normal or even semi-normal person gives an absolute fuck.

Yet the stupid bastards still maintain they are right :joy: Trump will go relentlessly after them now, it will be a classic massive retaliation strategy. Wouldn’t be surprised to see some assholes like Brennan and Clapper get jail time. Cunts selling out their country for a few bob on CNN. What a joke they have become, eight cunts talking shit all day with zero rebuttal allowed. The “free press” indeed.

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That’s amazing.

Not a very decent thing to do buddy, but since you did, out with it

I have a very firm belief in what you say

Deadly lads them Kennedys

Now that you’ve linked to the National Review, you might as well go the whole hog and just post up a picture of a piece of soiled toilet paper next time - though in your case, a dock leaf will do in lieu.

Victor is some boy though. You should read more, it might broaden your tiny mind.
And there’s not a docken in sight.