US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Fucking smashing weather at the moment lads


I’m sorry Mike. But give the VDH a whirl. He’s a raisin farmer and he knows about stuff. Apologies if I’m overselling gum

I love reading, mate. Unlike you, however, I’m not particularly interested in reading the work of obvious morons. :grin:

Hanson is a traditional conservative who voted for George W. Bush in the 2000 and 2004 elections.[15] Hanson was a defender of George W. Bush and his policies,[16]especially the Iraq War.[17] He was also a vocal supporter of Bush’s Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Hanson wrote of Rumsfeld that he was: “a rare sort of secretary of the caliber of George Marshall” and a “proud and honest-speaking visionary” whose “hard work and insight are bringing us ever closer to victory”.[18]

Hanson is a supporter of Donald Trump, authoring a 2019 book A Case for Trump.[19] Trump praised the book. [19] In the book, Hanson defends Trump’s insults and vile language as “uncouth authenticity”, and praises Trump for “an uncanny ability to troll and create hysteria among his media and political critics.” [19] According to Washington Post book critic Carlos Lozada, the book “focuses less on the case for Trump than on the case against everyone else,” in particular attacking Hillary Clinton. [19] According to Lozada, Hanson indulges “in casual sexism, criticizing Clinton’s “shrill” voice and her “signature off-putting laugh,” and inexplicably suggesting that while “Trump’s bulk fueled a monstrous energy; Hillary’s girth sapped her strength.”” [19] Hanson praises the Trump administration for its “inspired” and “impressive” Cabinet members. [19] In the book, Hanson blamed Barack Obama for “deliberately [whipping up]” “much of the current division in the country” while not covering at all Trump’s birtherism or attacks on Muslims. [19] The book likens Trump to a hero of ancient literature, sacrificing himself for the greater good. [19] Anton expressed support for Trump’s proposed border wall on the Southern border, saying that walls around houses deter criminals. [19]

Fair enough. He knows a lot about growing raisins though - he has TWO jobs.

Raisin seems an appropriate euphemism for his brain.

That’s two more than some people

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Obama called out half the country for clinging to religion and Clinton called them deplorables.

Not in the slightest divisive.

I think you’re getting mixed up between forums here, pal. You’re supposed to be posting that under your “DreamsBurnDown” log in on


I don’t post on boards mate, but keep on hating. It’s pretty sad how consumed you are with hatred for your fellow man. Try and get into the spirit of Easter.

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Sure pal

Your brain sort of reminds me of an easter egg. It’s completely hollow inside.

As regards hatred, I think there’s a whole thesis to be written about the irrational hatreds that have contaminated that same hollow head.

Would you relax sid. What else are you up to apart from sparring on the US Politics thread?



I bet the reason you made a post made up only of a smiley is because you’re simultaneously having a good tug off yourself right now :grin:

My girl Momala knocking it out of the park here. A shoe in for 2020.

Kamala Harris? Yanks won’t vote for a woman. Those swing states are old school. It’s basically how trump won.

No you’re completely wrong. Hillary was a horrible person and she lost three states very narrowly (PA, WI, MI) that would have won her the election.

Any American I know has said this.

They are talking through their arse. The whole concept that yanks won’t vote for a woman is nonsensical, Hillary got almost 66 million votes in 2016 and she was very unpopular. It’s four years later, more young people will vote, a lot of whom were upset at Bernie being shafted last time and didn’t vote.

The same people you are talking to probably said a black man could never be elected and Omaba won handily twice, including winning a lot of the swing states.

Good to see Harris join Elizabeth Warren in calling for impeachment.

There’s much more to gain for the Democrats by doing what they were elected to do than in pussying out and abdicating responsibility.