US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

If me auntie had bollocks…

You’d hate him

Gender non-binaryphobic post


There’s a proud tradition of wimmin getting their husband’s guns confiscated. The ni branch of the BASC loves to cite an example of a local woman who reported her husband for pointing his shotgun at her. When the cops arrived to seize the weapon the husband presented them with a psni receipt for the gun in question- he’d handed in in for safe-keeping a week or so earlier.

E. Jean Carroll, the woman who accused Trump of raping her 25 years ago, was on CNN last night and came across as completely unhinged. Anderson Cooper had to rapidly cut to a break when she said “most people think of rape as sexy” and then started to hit on him.

Who the fuck thinks of rape as sexy?

CNN have cut the offending portion of the interview from their site and all the other major networks are not reporting it.

The free press :clap::clap:

Do you think Trump thinks of rape as being sexy?

I have no idea what Trump thinks.

Do you think most people think rape is sexy? I don’t know anyone who thinks that.

I think it seriously undermines someone’s credibility when they make such an insane claim.

Well, we know he lied when he said he never met her, and we know his response to the allegation was “she’s not my type”.

Not “I would never do such a thing and this allegation is false and a deliberate character assassination”.

A truly bizarre response, and one that I think that would give us a pretty good indication whether he thinks rape is sexy, and also whether he actually did it or not.

There’s a real theme running through the extreme right about rape, isn’t there?

Trump and “she’s not my type”, yer man from UKIP threatening it on Jess Phillips several times, and Bolsonaro saying to a female politician “I would never rape you because you don’t deserve it”.

Never mind the way Republicans believe women made pregnant as a result of rape should be treated.

What is it about the extreme right and their weird obsession with rape?

Also, if I may say so, a truly bizarre response on your own part that you’d focus on the woman’s comments rather than note that it’s the 21st time (so I believe) Trump has been accused of rape or sexual assault.

One wonders whether it’s ever crossed your mind that he might just have a serious tendency towards commiting such crimes.

Do you think most people think rape is sexy? How many people do you know that think rape is sexy?

It speaks to credibility, someone making such a claim is not credible imo. Especially someone who is making her rape allegation the centerpiece of her new book, 25 years after the alleged incident took place. I know you believe all such allegations, even ones that are shown to be absolute lies (Michael Avenatti).

Sexual assault is hardly a right wing invention. Bill Clinton? Anthony Weiner? Al Franken? Gary Condit?

I havent seen the interview but if this woman was really raped / sexually assaulted by a man who went on to be elected PUSA you might expect her to have developed a slightly skewed or unusual viewpoint of how she thinks men see the world. I don’t think most people see rape as sexy but I can understand how she might have started to think that and I don’t think it makes her unhinged. Unhinged is a very strong word pal.

Donald Trump.

I don’t think anyone sees rape as sexy, other than maybe rapists, and even that is debatable as rape is about power and is a crime of violence.

You know Donald Trump? A life of surprises.


None that I know of - I’ve never asked that question to anybody

Have you?


Are you saying that if somebody finds the idea of rape to be sexy and is later raped, that that would not be rape?

Michael Avenatti accused somebody of raping him and I believed it? When did this happen?! Could you point me in the direction of the relevant post/s, please?

Yes, my default reaction is to believe all such accusers unless their story falls apart

I think that should be any reasonable person’s reaction

I never said it was a right wing invention. I said there’s a weird tendency on the part of some prominent elements of the worldwide far right to use implied threats of rape against female political opponents.

Could you fill me in what sexual assault was committed by Anthony Weiner and Al Franken? That’s a genuine question.

Gary Condit denies murdering Chandra Levy, doesn’t he? (I think he very probably did)

Do you think that Trump being accused of rape or sexual assault 21 times (he has admitted at least one count of it) might just point to the overwhelming likelihoood that he is a rapist and a serial sexual assaulter?

Did that ever cross your mind?

Like, say when all those people said Jimmy Savile did terrible things to them, was your first reaction to try and pick holes in their stories and “discredit” them?

Or Brendan Smyth?

Or is it just Trump?

Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison for sexting with a child, something that was proven in a court. Why are you defending a pedophile? Al Franken resigned after photos of him groping women were made public.

My issue with you is your default position is to believe all accusations (as long as they are against right wing figures or who you perceive as right wing). If a girl who was in secondary school with you came out and accused you of raping her, should we believe her?

You’re being far too harsh here. This is a woman who was in 1960s New York for her 20s, she saw a culture where sexual harassment was the norm and all sorts of bad shit was going on. A lot of the men of that generation had an extremely confused notion of consent and what ordinary sexual relations are supposed to look like. (Probably a lot of the women also.) And then this happens to her (allegedly). And Trump is already lying about having ever met her or not, or so I understand.

I’m not saying I know for a fact this happened but there’s nothing in that comment that seems a red flag to me. It’s what you’d expect a woman in her situation to say.

I should say that I had a girl threaten to make a false accusation against me once over a personal dispute I was having with her and I haven’t watched this interview but this comment doesn’t really strike me as anything odd.

She said “most people think rape is sexy”, not “most men think rape is sexy” or “most men who were around in the 60s think rape is sexy”. I have talked to a few women in my life who were sexually assaulted and never heard anything remotely like that comment. Rape is about power and violence, it is the opposite of sexy.

Where have I defended a paedophile?

What is your definition of a paedophile?

Al Franken groped women but I don’t remember any of the accusers calling it sexual assault, that said, that is irrelevant

Sexual harrassment certainly, I suppose you could categorise it as sexual assault but I’m pretty sure he didn’t do it to get sexual kicks in the way Trump admitted to doing

Can I ask you a question

Do you believe any of the 21 women who have accused Trump of rape or sexual assault?

Given that in your previous post you menioned people who weren’t convicted of sexual assault as categorical sexual assaulters

But you’re just completely making up a strawman there rather than arguing on any factual basis

That strawman is just more projection on your part

I mean you’ve actually defended paedophile protector Milo Yiannopoulos on here before and in three years you’ve consistently defended Trump from allegations of sexual assault and rape, so I think we can see it is in fact yourself who sees such allegations through a partisan right-wing lens - the evidence is there

I went to an all-male secondary school

My word

Plaintiff was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of parties, with other similarly situated minor females, held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. At least four of the parties were attended by Defendant Trump. Exhs. A and B. On information and belief, by this time in 1994, Defendant Trump had known Defendant Epstein for seven years and knew that Plaintiff was then just 13 years old. Exhs. A and B. 10.
Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. Exhs. A and B.11.
Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened Plaintiff that, were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed. Exhs. A and B. 12.