US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Shure washent the bike gone? What other evidence would you need like?

Of course the default should be that all accusers should be believed unless the story doesn’t stand up

I’m frankly staggered that anybody would think otherwise

Have we learned nothing

And all this despite the fact that for political reasons you are prepared to believe that a woman who swore she was not raped under oath, was raped!

This is comedy stuff

I’ve never stalked a woman either mate

Or raped one either

Or called for women to be disbelieved when they say they were raped

I didn’t write “either” in that last sentence

Thanks for believing me mate

So, in a “he said, she said” case, you believe the accused should be found guilty and imprisoned.

Remarkable notion of justice, but explains your insane posturings on here.

Thanks sid. I do my best

Did you hear his defence to a rape allegation? She’s not his type, so he couldn’t have done. So if she was his type… Sounds like Trump finds rape sexy if the woman is his type.

I don’t think you understand the criminal justice system

One more thing to add to the list of things you know nothing about

It’s very difficult for people to be convicted of rape

Didn’t you have Jussie Smollett hanged, drawn and quartered a few months back?

How did that go? :smile:

So, more people should be convicted of rape based on allegations?
And you claim to understand the criminal justice system :joy:

The evidence is damning against Jussie Smollett and he will see his day in court.

Where did you see me defending what Trump said?

Do you believe most people find rape sexy?

It’s almost like you intentionally reply to things that no one said…

Your response doesn’t even make any sense

Jussie Smollett got due process and was released without charge, pal

He is innocent

For you, his crime is that he is black

Your blood thirsty, salivating reaction when he was wrongfully arrested was truly sick

Just a reminder that the USA operates concentration camps

The evidence against Jussie Smollet is overwhelming, and yet you believe him. He was released by a corrupt DA bending to political pressure. However, he deserves his day in court and should be presumed innocent until his case is heard. As does everyone accused of a crime.

Which confirms my point. You actually ignore evidence, have a fixed set of beliefs that cannot be questioned and you can never be shaken off those beliefs.

It’s a classic example of confirmation bias.

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Christ above

Remarkable that millions of people still desire to move there.

What a dumb response.

Just admit you got it wrong mate

You were gagging for a high profile innocent black man to be convicted of a crime he didn’t commit

You’ve been absolutely fuming ever since he was found 100% innocent

There is no evidence against him whatsoever - he was fitted up by a corrupt racist police force

Of course, it’s a big country with a lot of space that needs as much immigration as it can get

The US is underpopulated

Do you agree with @sidney that all those making accusations should be believed?

How about the Duke Lacrosse team?

Here are two men who were locked up for 26 years due to a false rape claim. Do you want more of these cases?