US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

So the two black men who say he paid them to attack him, and are seen in video footage buying the equipment used to attack him with are liars?

How racist of you. They are the real victims in this case.

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I stand corrected. It’s exactly like you intentionally reply to things that no one said. Bizarre.

Which do you think happens more: rapists getting away with their crimes or innocent men being convicted of rapes they didn’t commit?

Seems odd that you’d bring up such a case when you’ve just been frothing at the mouth calling for the incarceration of an innocent man

And of course as a Trump supporter, wanting innocent people to be locked up is a key part of your ideology

Now fuck off as you have nothing to add, as always.

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Funny, I haven’t heard @anon7035031 calling out Trump over the Central Park Five

Trump wanted five innocent black boys executed for a crime they had no involvement in whatsoever

That is still his stance

Thanks for confirming you are fine with innocent men being incarcerated, which of course fits with your view of justice. All those you believe are guilty should be convicted, regardless of evidence or lack thereof.

Hopefully will never serve on a jury as any competent attorney should recognize your clear insanity.

Your hypocrisy shines through again

You think that made up stories should be believed when a black man stands to be wrongly convicted as a result

More belief based entirely on politics and racism from you

Please point to the post where I say I’m fine with innocent men being incarcerated

I hate that

You have a proven record of judging innocent men and particularly women guilty, and particularly if they are black

My stance on justice is based on the clearest morals, yours is based on hatred

It’s very sad

Please answer this question @anon7035031


Do you think a man who has not repealed or apologised for his call for five entirely innocent black boys to be executed, is fit to be president?

Probably because you haven’t raised it before. Nor studied the case, as clearly all you know of it is from your Twitter feed. The suspects were not all black, they were black and Hispanic. They admitted assaulting the woman involved but not raping her, there is no evidence their confessions were coerced. They may be innocent of rape, but they are by no means innocent, they were part of a gang of youths that assaulted several people that night, some brutally. Which is what they admitted, before realizing they were being accused of a more serious crime.

They should not have been convicted of rape and Trump should apologize.

You believe all accusations, which is what leads to wrongful convictions. It is better that 10 guilty men go free than one innocent be convicted. In your version of justice Paddy Jackson would be in jail, regardless of the opinion of the jury who say through the evidence.

Your error is jumping to belief, without going through the necessary investigatory step.

This is why you find yourself believing scumbags like Michael Avenatti.

Wow, this is astonishing, you’re still pushing the completely false narrative that are guilty despite being completely acquitted

It’s because they’re black, isn’t it

Brainwashing is a terrible thing

Do I have to spend all my day correcting your bullshit?

The New York of the time had an horrendous violent crime and murder rate. Trump was correct in calling for a crackdown on violent crime, and not out of step with most Americans at the time who believed in capital punishment for murder. He was wrong to use this case which was still going through the courts.

As it transpired there was a crackdown on violent crime in New York and it became a much safer place to live. So he was correct on calling for tougher action, but incorrect in the approach.

You are either deliberately obfuscating or as thick as shit. I’ll go with the latter.

They were wrongly convicted of rape, and later acquitted. They were also charged and convicted of violent assaults, something they admitted.

You don’t understand the criminal justice system or my opinions mate

My opinion is that Paddy Jackson did it but I accept that the jury had reasonable doubts and could not convict to the burden of criminal proof

You believe the complainant is an outright liar and have admitted so in your previous post

The existence of misogynitic, highly judgmental and reactionary men like you is why women are so reluctant to come forward when they are sexually assaulted and raped

Paddy Jackson did it, why because you say so?

Unfortunately for you, I can read

All charges against them were dropped

But again you’re spinning a flagrantly racist narrative

You really missed your vocation not running a B&B in London with a sign outside it saying “no blacks no dogs, no Irish”, didn’t you

The evidence would suggest he did it

The complainant also said he did it, and she should know

Are you calling the complainant a liar who made the whole thing up?

What makes you think you know more than the complainant

The latest complainant against Trump?

I’m not calling her a liar at all, she should be listened to and her claims examined. If you watched her interviews these past few days on the networks, she doesn’t come across very well. The networks have dropped her like a hot potato as clearly she isn’t a good look, claiming “most people think rape is sexy” is a little bizarre don’t you think. It’s also a bit bizarre that she claims she has the dress she wore that day, so potentially evidence, and yet doesn’t want to press charges,citing statue of limitations (there is no statue of limitations in New York).