US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Jeffrey Epstein is a lifelong Democrat and has donated handsomely to many Democratic politicians, including Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chris Todd and Chuck Schumer.

Chuck Schumer announced this week that he is returning the money Epstein donated to him, ten years after Epstein was convicted as a pedophile. In other words the Democratic Senate minority leader has been accepting donations from a convicted child molester for the past decade and only now has decided this could be problematic. No word on the Clintons returning the money donating to them and their foundation.

But according to batshit crazy Sid this is exclusively a Republican party issue.

Is there any point in asking what the last 300posts have been about?

Rape and paedophiles

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Just read my posts if you want the facts, that cuts out about 290 posts.

Are we any closer to agreement fellas?

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Sidney had the italics out again

@anon7035031 playing party politics with paedophilia again (cc:@Raylan)

It’s like every post he makes is specifically designed to prove me right about him

As sure as night follows day

Cruelty and sex assault is Trump policy

Any day now. I can sense it

Penned in like cattle, actually cattle would be treated a hell of a lot better than this

Pence says “these men are well cared for”

Pence missed his vocation when Dachau closed


Good thread

Meanwhile Pelosi just sits on her arse and does nothing except piss all over the voters who elected her party in a landslide last November when she should have launched impeachment proceedings on day one

She’s fucking useless

She shouldn’t be surprised if the Democratic base doesn’t turn out next time and lets the Hitler wannabe back in

She’s a career party hack addicted to the trappings of office. The democrats are sleepwalking into four more years of Trump.


Shameless racism is Republican party policy

How sadly and overwhelmingly right I’ve been proved in everything I’ve said about them

Make that “racism is OFFICIAL Republican party policy”

From three years ago, here’s the guy that tried for a short while to claim he was a “principled” Republican

There’s no such thing

Graham saw fascism was popular and decided to go all in

That’s what self proclaimed “principled conservatives” always do when fascism comes along

Hello forum racist in chief @anon7035031

Wonderful young people

@anon7035031 calls them “nutcases”

The key lesson of the Holocaust is to not let it again, to stop it before it happens

For Republicans, the “lesson” was “don’t compare anything to Nazism until people are being slaughtered”

Genuine question, how do you think the humanitarian crisis at the US southern border should be resolved?

The crisis is due to hundreds of thousands crossing the border and requesting asylum, the facilities to deal with them were built in 1996 during Clinton’s presidency and were designed to handle 15,000 (daily) at most, it’s now about 50,000. The logical answer would be to greatly increase funding to handle the numbers, which is the bill passed by Congress in the past few weeks, something that should have been done earlier this year when the numbers spiked.

But guess what, progressives voted against increasing funding. Why is that do you think? Could it be they want the humanitarian crisis to continue to use in an election year? Why would you vote against legislation to increase the processing rate of asylum seekers?

Stop avoiding the elephant, pal

You still deny Trump is a racist

You have no right to be taken seriously

The US is operating concentration camps and you’re fine with it