US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Yes I did do that and while it was admittedly bad taste it was a coping mechanism.

What you’ve admitted to is in the realms of sexual offences. You’ve never admitted to or apologised to your intended victim.

So you’ll forgive me when I think your knught in white armour act for victims of sexual abuse rings utterly untrue.

You try to weaponise sexual abuse for the purpose of trying, and failing muserably, to win arguments on the internet.

But your mask frequently slips exposing the very real and very nasty piece of work that you are.

The best thing you could do for your own mental health is to log out and forget about this place.


Visiting another country isn’t an offence or anything remotely close to one, pal

It’s called a holiday

Remember, you were the person who introduced the concept of rape fantasy to this forum

Yet it’s been obvious all along that that very fantasy was yours

Tallies with what I said earlier about far right politics being inextricably tied to extreme ideas about sexual abuse

And as usual you Dodge the significant part of the post.

Spin all you want but the board knows you’re a sexual deviant with mental health issues.

Stop posting and get help. You’ll thank me when you’re better.

What significant part?

I went on a holiday to another country and exchanged some messages with another person while there

But to you that amounts to a rape fantasy

That’s some pretty fucked up shit, and you have some pretty fucked up fantasies

I find it in one way very interesting and in another way just plain weird that for five years you’ve had a weird obsession with that trip of mine

For years you’ve been only too happy to throw around the 'rape fantasy" line at me, all the while being squarely guilty of it yourself, which you now admit to

I think that says a lot about you, doesnt it

Mental health issues would be one possibility, being merely a run of the mill snidey little coward who is deeply unhappy and has serious self-respect issues would be another

Yis have great stamina lads


Oh look, Michelle Goldberg is a liberal Daily Beast columnist. That’s a great reputable news source so I bet she’s a great columnist.

Oh look, Michelle Goldberg says that Juanita Broderick’s allegations against Bill Clinton are true and that Bill Clinton should have no place in decent soociety:

Oh look, Michelle Goldberg says that Epstein is complete filth, close to Trump and Bill Clinton and he was protected by a Democrat district attorney who downgraded all his offences:

I thought the Daily Beast was a good news source, now I see it’s turning into far-right bullshit.

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Wtf, Why am I getting alerts for this?
Bunch of fucking weirdos

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Question, mate:

Did Juanita Broaddrick swear under oath that she wasn’t raped? Yes or no?

It’s just that when somebody states under oath that they weren’t raped, I tend to believe that they’re probably telling the truth.

And that ain’t to defend Bill Clinton, who was undoubtedly a sleazebag, in any way.

Since nobody felt able to answer the question about who made the above quote, it was Donald Trump, in 2002.

Now would that quote indicate at least a level of knowledge about Epstein’s activities, or would it not?

I’m trying to eat my dinner here Art.

The entire future of Western civilisation is hanging in the balance and you’re ating your effin dinner.

Monica Lewinsky signed an affidavit that she did not have an affair with Bill Clinton. Do you believe her? Or do you believe the evidence of his semen on her dress that suggest they had an affair?

If you bothered to research the Broddrick case, you would understand her actions and motives, which are quite normal for actual rape victims. At the time she wanted to maintain her privacy and not be dragged through a political circus, understandable I would say. The affidavit she signed was prepared by Clinton’s lawyers. When she was later questioned under oath by the FBI, she detailed the rape claim against Clinton.

The victims who should definitely be believed are victims where there is evidence to support them, like the witnesses who saw her in a distressed state and bruised after the attack, like the witnesses who she told at the time, like the fact she testified under oath to the FBI she was raped, like the fact she maintains to this day she was raped, like the fact she was a Democratic Clinton supporter who worked on his campaign but stopped working for him immediately after the incident.

Yet you don’t believe her, because Clinton is not a Republican.

Clinton raped someone, what?

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Wow, the defender of rapists (as long as they’re Republican), the exact same guy who dismissed Ivana Trump swearing under oath that she was raped, now pretending to be the defender of women :laughing:

With “friends” like you, women would barely need actual attackers

Just to put on the record, you’ve dismissed Christine Blasey Ford, you’ve dismissed Kavanaugh’s other accusers, you’ve dismissed every single one of Trump’s accusers - what a pattern

We get it, mate - for you, Republican rapists = good rapists

That insane ideology is the result of you being totally and utterly brainwashed by a party and its supporting media which has been poisoned at every level by the ideology of defending rapists as long they’re your rapists

Look at your reaction here - not a word about Trump being implicated, you even claim Trump is on the side of justice :laughing::laughing::laughing:

You literally haven’t the first idea what you’re talking about :laughing:

@anon7035031 = soft on rape, as long as it’s Rapepublican rape

Why one wonders, would Trump have used a specific phrase to refer to Epstein’s island

Why, one wonders, would he now deny all knowledge

Oh dear

Fuck sake I posted this about a day ago. Call me far right and then steal my posts to make yourself look good.

The island was called Paedophile Island by the way, I posted that yesterday too.

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@tank 's PMs to @sidney will have a bit of bite to them tonight

Can anybody here beat that number?


I didn’t call you far right

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