US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I’d go 1. MI5, 2. Clinton, 3. Trump.

I’d go the guards on duty the other night are now very rich men.

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Apparently Epstein was a sham financier, and was in fact a honey pot for mossad

There’s some right sick people amongst the elite. Epsteins victims now have been fucked over again. Its incredibly wrong.

Could you elaborate on that…

Ive said too mu…

He was 100% a sham financier. How he ended up managing so much money is a crazy story in itself, even if you ignore all the other stuff.

The extent of the Mossad connection is debatable. But his madam Ghislaine Maxwell was of course the daughter of Robert Maxwell, who its alleged was a long time Mossad agent.

Incidentally the boat Maxwell ‘fell’ off when he died was called the Lady Ghislaine. Now owned by none other than Donald Trump.


Jaysis that is some web there. Prob no chance they get to the bottom of this now.

Probably worth mentioning as well that Epstein ended up finally in ‘finance’, but first in New York High society by getting a job teaching math at an elite prep school despite having no teaching qualifications. The man who appointed him was Donald Barr, father of the current Attorney General William Barr.


What’s left to get to the bottom of? The people involved won’t go to prison, but aside from a few minor celebrities like Dershowitz that was never going to happen.

The worst of it is all there, either in the indictments, the victim statements, or in his ‘black book’. The rich and powerful have child sex rings provided to them by ‘specialists’ like Jeffrey Epstein. And these pedophile networks are apparently global in their reach.

Prosecuting those who committed crimes connected to Epstein, investigating the suicide and why protocols were broken in his supervision. I’d say there’s a lot to get to the bottom of here, no?

What does it matter? There’s a statement from a girl in the case about Trump raping and beating her when she was 13. Telling how she was threatened that something might happen to her family if she ever said anything.

What does it matter? Not a bit. Nothing is ever going to be done about it. There’s no reckoning to be had. So who the fuck cares who killed Epstein. It makes no difference.

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I sense your anger mate. I’ll politely disagree and say of course it matters how and in what circumstances he died.

Chris Cuomo in trouble now. The implosion of the hard left continues …

Great banter

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Those folks on the left are very witty.

He looks like a thunderbird