US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

CNN view of it

“CNN spokesperson Matt Dornic offered support for Cuomo, writing that he “defended himself when he was verbally attacked with the use of an ethnic slur in an orchestrated setup. We completely support him.””

so calling someone fredo is now an ethnic slur :smiley:

Typical fuckin guinea, all fuckin talk.

it is a very common insult in America, it means you are a traitor and weak

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exactly, the weaker, snakier brother, nothing to do with dago or wopness

Cuomo didn’t have a problem with it previously.

oooofffttt headshot


Showing his true colours there.



'Muricah gonna need a new mascot soon. Maybe a seagull coated in oil.

What a bunch of fucking twats.
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He’s everything you look for in a tfk poster and more. What a truly inspirational leader

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did he sing for the pope one time?

Republicans keep coming up with new and novel ways to defend rape

I suppose incest goes with the territory when you’re a Republican

U.S. Rep. Steve King: If not for rape and incest, ‘would there be any population left?’


It seems that this dope Trump appears to have triggered a recession ( there was probably one due anyway ) with his shiting on about trade wars just in time for the 2020 election.

It’s just the whole party that’s abnormal

Trump has intervened to prevent Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib travelling to Israel

That’s a full frontal attack on democracy

How weak is a president that intervenes to stop democratically elected congresswomen making official visits to another country

How weak is that country when it will not tolerate being questioned about its sectarian butchery

Tlaib has family in Palestine - last month Trump was telling her she should “go back where she came from”, despite being born in the US

Now he’s telling her she can’t go to her ancestral home

Israeli journalist:

Senior Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi called Israel’s decision to block Tlaib and Omar ’s trip “an outrageous act of hostility against the American people and their representatives.”

“This is a dangerous precedent that defies all diplomatic norms and an assault on the Palestinian people’s right to engage with the rest of the world,” Ashrawi said in a statement. “This trip was their right and duty as members of Congress, who oversee US policies and actions that affect Palestine, Israel, and countries worldwide. …

“Israel is fittingly acting like any other rogue state engaged in widespread and systematic human rights abuses, wanting to ensure that its violations remain obscured by all means possible, including coercion and censorship,” Ashrawi said, adding that Trump ’s comments on the matter amounted to “hateful incitement.”

Mr. Ashrawi is entirely correct

The US is fucked,it’s rotting from the inside out.

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Wonderful leadership from our Israeli brothers and sisters :clap:t3: