US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Are you arguing that blacks are somehow more predisposed to be violent?

That’s very like what that Nazi pseudo"academic" guy who has a surname very similar to the name of the home ground of Wolverhampton Wanderers argues.

If not, why mention it?

Do you have some data to back that statement up? The level of total violent crime in the UK for example is double that of the US, so obviously the UK is a much more violent country than the US.

I would say a good measure of crime rates is how safe people feel walking around the area they live. The US as a whole is about the same as the EU, people feel slightly safer than in Spain or the UK, and slightly less safe than in France and Belgium.

The US is a huge country and a large percentage of violent crime is concentrated in small geographic areas.

The murder rate in the US is over eight times higher than Ireland

Which obviously means Ireland, not the US, is the more violent country

At least if you’re to take labane’s inevitaable upside down, inside out logic

You’re examination of police shooting of unarmed black people generally leads to you giving reasons to excuse and various other whataboutery. Telling.



The issue being examined is why an insane white guy wasn’t shot by police, and the outrage this caused people like yourself. The answer is because he wasn’t armed. It’s self evident to anyone with a functioning brain, which excludes you obviously.


This is a cracking podcast which skewers why white supremacists like @anon7035031 “think” the way they do

If Fox isn’t working for them any more, where will he be getting his cue for the morning rants? One shudders to think.

He is going to set up his own news channel, NotFakeNews, featuring Trump University alumni.

Be some fuckin craic if he went all in on RT

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So people who hate police violence are distraught the police didn’t shoot an unarmed man. Ok.


As if Trump needed more evidence of Fake News…

Idiot clown Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC “reported” last night that a “source” had informed him that Trump received loans from Deutche Bank that were co-signed by Russian oligarchs. In his haste, he forgot to run it by anyone at MSNBC first to see if it was appropriate to report.

Lawrence has already tweeted his apology for his “error of judgement” and will be addressing it on his show tonight. More fodder for Trump from the loons on the left.

Trump has a very easy way to prove Lawrence wrong.

Release his financial returns.

I won’t hold my breath.

It’s a lot worse than that.

In the minds of the leftist loons, violent criminals are the victims, cops are figures of hate and their deaths are to be celebrated, and actual victims of violence should stop complaining as it is racist to do so.

@anon7035031, would you agree with me that in all your time on this forum, your default stance, on every story, every topic, has always been to leap to defend Trump and run with the Trump and Republican narrative?

That would be fair, yes?

Would you agree?

Everybody who disagrees with you is “a loon” mate, aren’t they

Why are right-wingers so perpetually angry

I would have thought US society is already rigged enough against poor people and minorities that it would satisfy you, but obviously not

Shows what you get for loyalty to Trump, eh

Still, I’m sure most of them will be able to perform the necessary mental gymnastics to enable them to remain part of the cult

President Trump living rent free in the mind of the Sid-BOT :wink:

Looking forward to another 5 years of his obsession with the President.

Another victory for President Trump!