US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Good to see you agree with me.

If travellers starting confronting guards with guns in Ireland do you think the dynamic might change? Would a guard be justified in shooting someone that confronts them with a gun?

Every society has rules. In the US the rules are if you engage in violent crime and confront the police with a gun, you are very likely to be shot. I accept that’s not the case in Ireland, but Ireland has a justice system that doesn’t take violent crime seriously.

When you get your news from Andy Ngo you can literally believe anything

The white fella was unarmed, No big deal.

Be quiet now child.

If he was carrying a black gun would it be visible?

I would suggest that if, even by the American police’s own statistics, at least 10% of people the police shot dead were unarmed and not attacking anyone, then that might be a serious violent crime and almost never taken seriously.

Statistically you are far more likely to be executed after being convicted of a violent crime in America if you’re black than if you’re white. What’s your explanation for that? Black people also receive on average longer sentences than white people for the same crimes. Is that indicative of a race problem in America?

Ok, so now you’re not arguing that the police kill people without justification. And you’re not arguing that it is treated with impunity.

So you agree with me.

Ah. “The blacks are violent.” So it’s their own fault they’re being murdered by the police.

This is one of your best ones yet. You really are a racist psychopath.

And you are another sad waste of free education.

Anyone who commits violent crime, is armed, and confronts police is likely to get shot in America. Twice as many white people are killed as blacks by police.

I’ll let you work out the rest for yourself.

Yes, the justice system in America is prejudiced towards blacks.

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You ought to know better than to be rising to that kind of stuff.

You think it’s ok that police kill far more black people proportionately, particularly in unarmed victim cases, because black people are more likely to be violent according to you.

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In the case of glas he actually believes his own nonsense. The same lad would be screaming for the guards if someone spilled a drink on him in a bar.

It’s not according to me. The facts are that blacks commit over 50% of the murders in America, and 40% of all violent crime, even though they are 14% of the population. If you are engaged in violent crime, the chances of you being in a confrontation with the cops exponentially increase, and if you are armed the chances of you being shot greatly increase.

Unarmed people being unjustifiably shot by police is quite rare, which doesn’t excuse it, nor does it excuse the fact that blacks are disproportionately killed in these cases (mostly by black cops). Are black cops who shoot black people racist?

It’s simple statistics, which clearly you never studied.


You could just stop there. But you don’t. Telling.


the teacher? his parents?

Don’t you have single mothers to be abusing?

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Why would I stop there? I don’t have a flawed mind with flawed reasoning like you, so I can actually examine issues and come to different conclusions on different questions.

Something you are incapable of, as you truly are a simpleton with very limited intelligence.

slack period at work for you now pride is over?

Whereas the US takes violent crime very seriously but still remains a much more violent country than Ireland.