US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

The left will applaud the shit canning of the Neo Con ?

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Bolton is the lad who promised Boris a trade deal a couple of weeks ago.


So is Trump still inviting the Taliban to Camp David today? :laughing:

The lads here won’t like this

They don’t like “uppity” black women

This thread is turning into a Sid-BOT echo chamber.

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Top class shithousery here

Nothing to see here, except Texas Republican state representative Briscoe Cain making a death threat against Beto O’Rourke.

@anon7035031 should be along any moment to defend this.

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More freedom fries needed in North Carolina.

Amazing how these closures tend to overwhelmingly affect areas with big minority populations which vote Democrat

Really amazing

Almost like Republicans are trying to rig elections

He’s clearly offering to voluntarily surrender his weapon to Robert Francis.

@Sidney always sees the worst in everyone. It’s an awful way to be

What a banana republic.

Edgelordism ain’t what it used to be

Answers on a postcard to…

I see another allegation of sexual assault has come out against the scumbag Barf O’Kavanaugh

I’m sure supporters of sexual assault like that disgusting, dirty old creep @anon7035031 will be in to defend him yet again

Good to see Kamala Harris joining with Warren and Castro in calling for the impeachment of Barf the sexual predator

There’s somebody here who won’t like that

Lolz :joy:, desperate dems

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Has anyone seen Jim Crow ???


[quote]Ortega, 37, who had permanent resident status in the US having come to the country as an infant, was sentenced to eight years in prison to be followed by deportation to her native Mexico. Since her conviction she has disappeared and is presumed to have self-deported.

Fort Worth’s harsh treatment of illegal voters is paradoxical in that it has among the worst turnout rates in America. In recent city council elections, the turnout was 6%.[/quote]

Fake Newz CBS