US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Corey Lewandowski has the desperate dems Seething :grinning:

ASSUming there is no separate thread for Canadian (sure it’s lind of part of America anyway) politics.
Liberal darling Trudeau in trouble for past fancy dress insulting behavior


@anon7035031, @Tim_Riggins and @Enrique wont like this

Oooffft.Yer in for it now Tony.

TFL’s political correspondents dropping the ball again, and missing the story of the week.

Trump likely to be impeached on Thursday for treason, his rival for the nomination former governor Weld has called for his execution. The charge is that military aid was cut off to Ukraine unless and until they provided dirt on Biden.


I opposed the Iraq war at the time and oppose all foreign military adventures by the US.

You prick.

I see Trump was saying that Biden would go to the electric chair if he was a Republican

What a classy guy he is, that rhetoric is not at all dictator-like, or something

I was going to ask what you thought of this. Is it something that you take more seriously than the other allegations.

Except for the nuclear bombs

Rudy Giuliani is some genius

You’re really overusing this these days. It doesn’t even fit with the above post.

Yes, this one is serious, although it could backfire if Biden actually bribed the Ukrainian government to protect his son’s financial interests.

It fits perfectly, like classified US intelligence in Putin’s back pocket

Or something?

Lesser of two evils at the time. Millions more would have died, most of them civilians. Similar to the allied bombing of German cities which forced the Nazi surrender, you can’t support one and not the other.

I wouldn’t expect someone who doesn’t do nuance to understand any of the above.

It’s mad how some people can shriek like banshees at an actual nuanced, non-soundbite policy over something like Brexit and simultaneously try to pass off their support for incinerating hundreds of thousands of innocent people as “nuance”

Your buddies in the RAF incinerated far more innocents in Germany at the end of the war.

Lesser of two evils, a nuanced concept you seem to fail to comprehend.

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