US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

No, I think you’ll find Kathy Griffin’s was a joke

So I was totally right about you being a walking Trumpbot cliche

You can’t take an actual joke

I don’t recall you calling for the imprisonment of Stephen Morrissey when he called for Margeret Thatcher to be guillotined

In fact you’ve spoken in admiring tones about his racist rhetoric of recent years

Yet you have not condemned the Goebbels-esque video of Trump murdering journalists one whit

And neither has he

So Trump’s actual celebration of white supremacist mass murderer Dylann Roof is just fine by you

Now we see that not only are you a white supremacist, but a white supremacist who is an apologist for white supremacist mass murderers and their admirers

I think we can file you under: “out and out white supremacist lunatic”

Mods, please step in here

Shepard Smith is leaving Fox News.

It’s rumoured that when he clashed recently with Tucker Carlson over their interpretation of the Mueller Report the Fox bosses told him to back down and that was the final straw. I think that in the long run Fox News will be significantly damaged by this.

Welcome to last Friday

They won’t be damaged as Fox News viewers are hardline Republicans who believe Democrats are insane. Fox viewers are the same as MSNBC viewers, zero ability to see beyond a black and white world.

Trump’s approval ratings didn’t drop in the slightest after the Mueller report, in fact his disapproval ratings dropped.

The Ukraine issue is a different issue and is hurting him among moderate Republicans. It’s also hurting Biden though with his son forced to resign from the Chinese firm he has been “working” for.

Has a US government ever placed sanctions on one of its NATO allies before?

No, this is a first. You can’t say Erdogan wasn’t warned though, he may have seriously miscalculated here.

Thanks for putting across your view

Ah to be fair to erdogan you can almost certainly say he wasn’t warned and in fact probably got some what of a green light in advance from the Don

Of course he did. Trump was shocked at the backlash and criticism that he got at home, especially from his military and he had to react.

He was warned that his economy would suffer if he overstepped the mark.

The US is no longer the world’s policeman, time for the European surrender monkeys to step up to the plate. They will be the ones impacted by evens in Syria.

I agree to an extent mate, but the Donald didn’t exactly give them much forewarning as to what he was thinking so they could put in place something. He also left his only genuine ally in the region the Kurds in an absolute shit heap.

Russians and the Iranians delighted with themselves. They couldn’t have scripted it better and this from Trump who’s taking a hard line on Iran :joy:

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Putin didn’t give Trump much warning when giving him his orders.

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Generals don’t give warnings to Privates

They expect them to do what they’re fucking told to do


Biden crashing and burning before the country here. CNN have clearly backed warren giving her huge time and an easy ride, Bernie getting not near the time his popularity deserves. All fairly stringently anti capatilist

Warren is definitely the chosen one at present but she came under fire from Buttigieg and Klobuchar on Medicare-for-all which is increasingly becoming the defining issue for Democrats. Warren’s refusal to answer how she will pay for her (well, Bernie’s) $30 trillion plan will increasingly hurt her, as will her support for eliminating private insurance. Americans don’t trust their government, the idea that the 160 million who have private insurance will swap for a government plan that nobody seems to have any idea how it will be paid for is deeply flawed. Voters also have memories of Obamacare where promises were made that couldn’t be met.

Expanding Medicare to cover those who are uninsured and those who want it is the way to go. Union members who have negotiated private insurance plans are not going to give that up, nor are most who are on employee sponsored plans. It’s frankly a little insane to think they would willingly give it up.

Trump is gone off the deep end again today. Swinging at everything that moves after the house voted to condemn his troop withdrawal.
He said Mattis was the most over rated General ever and Pelosi was either third grade or third rate politician depending on who you ask. And he said it to her face and all :joy:

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He wrote a quality letter to Erdogan :joy:

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He definitely wrote that himself anyway :joy:

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