US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

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Trump’s tax cuts have predictably been a complete failure

Except if you’re rich - in which case they’ve been a complete success - and sure that’s what it was all about - redistributing wealth upwards and fuck the rest

Class warfare in favour of the rich and against the poor

You can’t spell “conservative” without con

Barr visits SDNY yesterday, is informed of the impending arrest of two of Giuliani’s henchmen, who then promptly try to flee the US and are nabbed at the airport

Join the dots

Always projection

When a Trumpbot like @Enrique shrieks “projection”, that’s him projecting

The whole thing is one big psychology experiment

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were carrying out President Trump’s scheme to pressure Ukraine to investigate his domestic rivals. This morning, the two men were arrested on campaign-finance charges as they attempted to leave the country.

The campaign-finance charges involve Parnas and Fruman allegedly violating federal law by funneling several million dollars to Pete Sessions, a former House Republican from Texas. Sessions was valuable to their operation because he publicly demanded the firing of Marie Yovanovitch, the U.S. ambassador (who was subsequently fired.) Lachlan Markay detailed the connection between Parnas, Fruman, and Sessions earlier this week.

But ultimately, the campaign-finance violations are a small part of their overall plot. Parnas and Fruman were the rough equivalent of the Watergate burglars. A July profile of the two, by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, creates the distinct impression that both men are goons. Not violent goons, but people who specialize in highly unethical or illegal activity that may involve organized crime.

Parnas and Fruman were working with Rudy Giuliani, who represents the two as their lawyer, to encourage various Ukrainians to investigate Trump’s opponents in Ukraine. Their work initially focused on discrediting the Mueller investigation, and later evolved to include pursuing unsubstantiated allegations against the Biden family. At the same time they were advancing Trump’s agenda, they were working on a side hustle in which they tried to push Ukraine’s state-controlled energy sector to sign them up to export liquid natural gas. The gas proposal appears to be their payoff: They could let Ukraine know they represented Trump, and Ukraine would therefore have an incentive to throw some business their way, despite their lack of expertise in the inner workings of the energy business.

Parnas and Fruman managed to meet both with President Trump and Donald Trump Jr., and get photographs of both meetings. Those photos were important to burnish their credentials as legitimate representatives of the Trump administration.

What happens next? In an ideal world, federal prosecutors will get them to cooperate and turn over evidence of any misconduct by Giuliani or other political higher-ups on whose behalf they were working when they slipped up and violated campaign-finance law. In practice, they are probably not very likely to flip. Trump has made it very clear that he will use the pardon power in wantonly corrupt fashion to protect anybody working on his behalf. Their lawyer, John Dowd, is also Trump’s own former lawyer, and floated the prospect of pardons to Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn before.

Lucky this coward didn’t have a badge.

The victim’s family want the manslaughterer, sorry, murderer, because that’s what he is, to die in prison

I presume this means the entire US media will now focus on why he should die in prison

Or perhaps not

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A company called “Fraud Guarantee” :grin:

It’s like a plot line from Scooby Doo

You literally couldn’t write this stuff

powerful words from the victims father

"McGlockton’s father, Michael McGlockton, told Drejka that he killed his only biological son and that “because of you, our lives will never be the same.”

“You deserve to die in prison,” he said. “In the Bible, it says that in order to get into heaven we must forgive those who trespass against us. At this point in my life, I am not there yet. And if it just so happens that the Lord chooses to take me before I come to terms with this, then I will see you in hell, where you and I will finish this. Mark my words.”"


Trump is always about projection

And corruption

Amazing how the “no collusion, no conspiracy” line seems to have completely disappeared

Trump is trying to claim that neither he or any of his family or associates can even be investigated :laughing:

Claiming that you, your family and your associates are completely above the law is the very definition of a dictatorship

Puppet Boy didn’t foresee this, eh

Did somebody say “conspiracy theory”? :laughing:

What a shithole America is

Trump goes nuts at Fox over a poll

William Barr meets with Rupert Murdoch to make sure Fox goes full North Korea

Sheppard Smith, pretty much Fox’s only half decent journalist, has now resigned

“The troops are coming home”

I thought they did not need the Saudi oil


If the US really had to have a reality television star as president, could they not have got Jade Goody?

OK, I know she’s not American, and I know she’s dead, but still, even with those admittedly serious drawbacks, she would have been a lot better than Trump

The troops are being hawked out

I see that a video admiringly portraying Trump as a mass gun murderer, in which he murders human representations of a string of media organisations, was playing at a weekend gathering of far right nutcases at Trump’s Doral hotel, which was attended by Donald Trump Junior

It was also a very thinly veiled attempt to celebrate white supremacist mass murderer Dylann Roof - as the virtual “shooting spree” took place inside a “Church of Fake News”

You literally couldn’t get a more obvious incitement to violence and murder than this

Goebbels really was a complete amateur compared to these scumbags

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@anon7035031 has been silent about the following

And so has Trump

What a surprise

Jokes by liberal comedians are to be censored but incitement to mass murder is obviously just fine

Right-wing nut jobs summed up perfectly

Depicting (and hoping for, thus inciting) the violent death of an American president in a country where a president was murdered by a lunatic is not a joke.

Unless you are a fellow lunatic that has wished for the death and rape of those you disagree with.

I make no distinction between left and right when it comes to advocating violence. The first amendment in the US is too broad, anyone advocating for violence against individuals or groups of individuals should be given a custodial sentence to have a think about their hate.

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