US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Wow, Tulsi really brings out your inner racist, misogynist, and religious intolerance.

If Gabbard runs as a third party candidate, she will be funded by Wall Street who are petrified of what a Warren presidency wcould do to the US economy.

This stuff is quite simple to figure out.

Funny that, that’s her own and only excuse any time she’s questioned about the source of her funding

Who or what am I being racist against by pointing out that she is funded by the Indian equivalent of the KKK?

Why can’t she answer?

Will you answer?

Now, explain to me why she is so heavily funded by the Sangh and BJP-affiliated groups and why she can’t answer

It’s couldn’t be more obvious that you’re utterly clueless about what the Sangh and the BJP are, and what she is

K m8

The CIA completely failed America in allowing Trump to become president without getting to the bottom of his Russian connections first

There has been massive institutional failure in the US in not exposing what was going on before Trump was allowed to con his way into power

That goes for the FBI, CIA the media and the Obama administration itself

They didn’t take the threat remotely seriously enough

The US really is at the precipice of full blown authoritarian fascism now

It has one last chance to pull back but will require a war-like effort from pro-democracy forces

But if Trump “wins” again in 2020, the US is headed for absolute disaster, the rule of law will collapse, institutions will completely collapse, democracy will collapse and kleptocracy will have won, it will be Ivanka Trump 2024 and so much more shit thereafter

Once fascism gets in, it’s almost impossible to dislodge

The Democrats are far too timid - Marion McKeon called it right some weeks back - she said “they are not bringing a slingshot to a gunfight, they are bringing…a flower”

Facism works on purges

Trump has been relentlessly purging the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the State Department and elsewhere and installing his cronies in place of people who actually know what they’re doing

Barr is the ultimate irredeemably corrupt crony, he has been for his whole career

Sarah Kendzior is the most cogent voice in the US media as regards the reality of what’s happening - she predicted show trials and the wholesale corruption of the US DOJ well over a year ago

She couldn’t have been more right, and she has been every step of the way

Then again she has the advantage of being an actual expert on what happens in totalitarian former Soviet states and autocracy in general - it helps when people are able to interpret current events through the prism of history, in fact it’s completely essential

The American public should decide who they want as president mate, not the CIA.

And 2.86 million more of them voted for Hillary Clinton

the American public do but it’s often ignored.

Tulsi needs to front up about who she actually represents

All of California and New York could have voted for her and it would make no difference.

Fundamentally the left want a one party state, no surprise given their preference for totalitarianism.

Who in Europe supported the Soviet Union, was it those on the left or those on the right? In Ireland it was the stickies who I’m pretty sure were leftists.

You won’t hear @anon7035031 complain about how far right propaganda is an integral part of Facebook’s business model

The US needs about 500 more AOCs, she’s one of the few people in US politics who have a genuine regard for truth and justice

I’m not sure what the point of your post is here except to shriek hysterical nonsense at me

I’m not a communist or a supporter of Russia

You however seem to be a big fan of Stalinist tactics, as you’ve now made clear

You said the US public should choose its President

A plurality of the US public voted for Hillary Clinton and Al Gore in the 2016 and 2000 elections

So obviously you’re talking nonsense, otherwise you’d say that Clinton and Gore should have been Presidents after those elections

To be fair, after the two complete plane wrecks of Republican presidencies that came after those elections, anybody with a half functioning brain would regret that Clinton and Gore weren’t president after those elections

No surprise that leftists are calling for censorship, another feature of the one party state.

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Still denying democracy, tut tut.

Your Stickie sympathies really coming on strong today.

Wow, apparently regulating political advertising so that it isn’t completely made up lies now amounts to “censorship”

And you wonder why I say that the line between “libertarianism” and fascism is paper thin

You’ve demonstrated my point beautifully

Just for the record, you now are on record as supporting the widespread dissemination of fascist propaganda

It’s so easy to expose you for what you are

You are perfectly fine with made up leftist lies.

As a hard leftist, you are aligned with those who supported the Soviet Union and those who have no issue with China, as long as it is communist.

Those are morally bankrupt positions.

I’m pro-democracy, you’re anti-democracy, pal

Refer to your previous post

You don’t even know what democracy is

Democracy depends on an informed citizenry

You explicitly advocate lies, disinformation and propaganda as a weapon

That’s fundamentally anti-democracy

If you were anti-democracy, you would have complained about the Republicans consistent attempts to undermine the integrity of US voting systems and expose them to Russian hacking

You would have complained about Russian interference in the election

You would have complained about the Republicans consistent attempts to deny the vote to millions of people

You would have complained about precisely NONE of that

You are demonstrably anti-democracy and pro-fascism

Now you’re cheerleading the wholesale corruption of the DOJ and a blatantly obvious bogus investigation into those who investigated Russia’s interference in the election

It barely gets any more anti-democratic than that

Seriously, you’re a total joke and laughing stock

WTF are you on about. The stickies in ireland supported the Soviet Union therefore the Democrats in the USA want to end American democracy. Even by your standards that’s just fucking drivel.

More shrieking nonsense

You’re actually completely nuts

Not the Democrats. I’m a Democrat but not a leftist. The nutter leftist wing of the Democratic party are the threat to US Democracy, they have zero interest in respecting the will of the people.