US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Where did I say there was anything wrong with lesbian soft porn? If that’s what you’re in to, have at it.

You strongly implied it

Then again, I know your preferred material to jerk off to is racist insults by Trump

You love the “strongman” type, don’t you

I have a beautiful wife mate, don’t need to jerk off.

And she folds away nicely in a drawer when you’re done with her

Who would have guessed that Mark Zuckerberg would flat out lie about having dinner with “people from across the spectrum”?

Pretty much everybody with a functioning brain, I guess

Far right propaganda is social media companies’ business model

Maybe Zuckerberg will start pulling the anti-Semitism card in future as a way to avoid questioning

Playing the bogus racism card works for Tulsi Gabbard after all

Facebook has a weird definition of “trust”

I guess it’s the same one that deems Boris Johnson as trustworthy on workers’ rights and William Barr as trustworthy on literally anything

The entirety of the Republican party is now on this treadmill, not just Trump

And the whole of the right-wing media in the US is also on it


Trump went to a World Series game last night and got hounded out of the place :smile:

He’ll be on Twitter any minute to claim the crowd were saying “Booo-urns”



The press conference, or whatever, where trump talked about them killing the ISIS lad is actually unintentionally hilarious

They should make the dog president for the next 15 months

Dogs are very intelligent creatures

His fascination with Obama is extraordinary




Is Ted Cruz one of the stupidest mother fuckers alive today? - I think the answer here maybe yes.

France has been cited here by the forum Joe McCarthy as a warning of the perils of socialism

I wonder is there much bread in France

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