US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I see Trump intervened to back the incumbent Republican Governor of Kentucky who was up for re-election last night

The Republican was five points up in polling

The Republican lost to his Democratic opponent

In Kentucky

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Well look at this

According to Cockburn’s source about the seven whistleblowers, there’s more. It is that Kushner (allegedly) gave the green light to MBS to arrest the dissident journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, who was later murdered and dismembered in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. A second source tells Cockburn that this is true and adds a crucial twist to the story. This source claims that Turkish intelligence obtained an intercept of the call between Kushner and MBS. And President Erdogan used it to get Trump to roll over and pull American troops out of northern Syria before the Turks invaded. A White House official has told the Daily Mail that this story is ‘false nonsense’. However, Cockburn hears that investigators for the House Intelligence Committee are looking into it. Who knows whether any of this is true…but Adam Schiff certainly seems to be smiling a lot these days.

Fake news! The Don almost got him over the line😉

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Republicans are tryying to get the result of the Kenucky Governor election overturned

Their, excuse, wait for it, is that votes that went to the Libertarian candidate would have gone to the Republican candidate had the Libertarian candidate not run

That’s sort of like Howard Wilkinson claiming that “we lost, but you have to remember that if they hadn’t scored, we would have got a better result”

Stivers said he thought Bevin’s speech declining to concede to Beshear was “appropriate.” He said believes most of the votes that went to Libertarian John Hicks, who received about 2% of the total vote, would have gone to Bevin and made him the clear winner.

Republicans hate democracy



While we are on the subject of anti-Semitism on the other thread and the denial of the institutional anti-Semitism of the Republican party let’s examine the treatment of Alexander Vindman, who last week testified that Trump tried to extort Ukraine

Vindman served with distinction in the US Army, earning two purple hearts

Vindman is Jewish, was born in Ukraine and moved to the US a young child

The widespread reaction from Republicans and Republican supporters in the media to Vindman’s damning testimony against Trump, was to label him as having dual loyalty, that he was somehow not serving the interests of America, that he was a traitor, in other words

All based on precisely nothing other than his actual patriotism - and eerily reminiscent of how Alfred Dreyfus was treated

If that reaction from Republicans is not evidence of institutional anti-Semitism, well, the concept doesn’t exist

Of course it does exist, but where it exists, it is not called out by the right, they indulge it and engage shamelessly in it because it is politically advantageous for them to do so


Elizabeth Warren gets called a fascist on Fox News

Why do the right just keep proving me correct about them

Mainstream right-wing politics is a bizarro world cult

That Gutfield fella is some bullwanker.Actually all of “The 5” are.

Republican House member Jim Jordan knew about sexual abuse going on at Ohio State University

He did nothing

He has now been rewarded by Trump with membership of the House Intelligence Committee to try to derail Trump’s impeachment

Trump tried to extort Ukraine’s previous president Poroshenko as well

Lock him up

Trump also bribed Poroshenko to drop criminal investigation of Paul Manafort

Manafort was the reputation launderer of former Ukrainian president and Putin puppet Viktor Yanukovych who literally committed treason against his own country by murdering his own citizens at the Maidan in 2014 and then inviting Russia to invade the country

For any slow learners who look in here

Adam Schiff giving opening statements in impeachment hearing. Interesting stuff.

You can’t even be an out and out racist these days without getting called a racist

Trump is toast, he is definitely going to be impeached.

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Why do you say that?


Because the House has a Democratic majority and a president is impeached by the House

And also because he’s a criminal

What happens then, he either resigns or goes to jail? Is there any way he can carry on?

Trump’s supporters have invested far too much in the way of sunken emotional costs to desert him now

His approval rating won’t fall by much if at all because his supporters are in a cult

And Trump’s approval rating is what will decide which way the Republican party, which is itself a cult, will go

Whether the Republicans decide to get shot of him or not has absolutely nothing to do with such trivial things as whether he actually should be thrown out of office or not, something which was obvious to any sane person years ago - he should never have been allowed run in the first place

Impeachment and removal are two separate processes he will undoubtedly be impeached by the majority Democratic House but will be acquitted by the Republican controlled senate. To be convicted by a 2/3rds majority in the Senate 20 Republicans would need to vote to remove him from office. No chance of that happening.