US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Maddow was very good on Monday night - must watch stuff

She has been superb throughout the whole of the Trump presidency

Trump broke the law by attempting to withold aid to Ukraine

Rick Perry went to Ukraine and did a corrupt deal for his wealthy backers to get a 50 year oil and gas exploration deal in return for aid

Trump extorted Ukraine

He did it through Perry, his goons Parnas and the other lad whose name has momentarily escaped me, and Giuliani

He previously did it through Manafort, who worked for Oleg Deripaska who is one of Putin’s golden circle

Soliciting dirt from a foreign government on a political opponent is a crime

The case is cut and dried, sure he even admitted to it himself

The Ukraine and Russia stories are the same story

They cannot be treated in isolation

Russia wants to undermine Ukraine at any and every opportunity and Trump is a Russian asset

Trump has been cultivated by the Russians possibly going back to the 1970s and no later than 1984

This goes way deeper than anybody wanted to imagine and is a disaster for democracy in the US and the world

The only way anything can be salvaged is if he and his whole corrupt, traitorous cabal are punished to the fullest extent of the law and spend the rest of their lives behind bars

If that happens, democracy in the US has a chance going forward, if not, it doesn’t

The important question is whether this will go to the Senate before the Nov 2020 election. Democrats effectively set the rules in the House as they have the majority, so they might well decide that the best strategy is to keep impeachment hearings going until the day before the election and then impeach him. The Senate then don’t get the opportunity to not convict.

The risk is that the American public have already lost interest and will have zero interest by Nov of next year.

One point of correction, soliciting dirt (or anything of value) from any foreigner relating to an election is illigal, not confined to governments. It’s a tough sell for Democrats claiming the high moral ground when they (the DNC) paid a British spy to in turn pay Russian operatives to dig up dirt on Trump and his campaign.

The counter argument is that it’s opposition research and everyone does it, but if it involves soliciting and more importantly getting something of value from a foreigner to influence an election, it is illigal.

The next shoe to drop is the DOJ issuing indictments against those who were involved in using the dirt dug up in Russian to obtain FISA wannats to spy on the Trump campaign in 2016. This is all going to get very messy in the next few weeks.

Your support of Democrats here is quite twee, but any reasonable person can see clearly that both parties atre utterly corrupt and will literally stop at nothing to gain or maintain power.

Opposition research is perfectly legal

The FBI have been on Trump’s case since May 2016

The real disgrace is how protected he was in 2016 when it should have been made public that he was under investigation for his ties to Russia

You’d think after your humiliation here over the last four years on pretty much everything to do with US politics you’d have learned to keep your trap shut, but obviously not

The fake false equivalence narrative is so 2015 - welcome to 2019, that sort of stuff was always utterly laughable but there’s no point even responding to it now, it’s just sad

No post which even remotely attempts to defend or mitigate Trump in any way should even be engaged with any more

The likes of Matt Taibbi have totally utterly humiliated themselves

Right-wing media in the US was always a disgrace - a mass bullshit industry

The future of US democracy depends on there being a reckoning which discredits the Republican party and US right wing media forever

The right-wing in America have always been the problem

As if anybody actually ever believed that Trump didn’t know exactly what the Russians were up to

Well, there were a few people who believed it

I see Judge Napolitano said on Fox News that Trump should be impeached and that it’s a slam dunk case

That lad would want to watch himself

He’ll get shot yet

Just to clarify your position:

One party in a two party system soliciting dirt (and paying for it) from foreigners is perfectly acceptable.

The other party soliciting dirt from foreigners is criminal.

Thanks for that. You continue to out yourself as a hapless loon, unsurprising when your entire worldview is informed by the biggest conspiracy theorist in the US media, Rachel Maddow. She is paid $10 million a year specifically to feed lefty loons like yourself.

One question though. Russia invaded Ukraine in 2013, the Obama administartion effectively provided no military support to Ukraine to defend themselves from 2014-2016. Since Trump’s election, the US has provided Ukraine with significant military assistance resulting in Russia’s invasion being bogged down.

Why would Trump provide Ukraine military help if he is in the pocket of the Russians?

Just to clarify my position;

Legal things are legal

Illegal things are illegal

Just to clarify your position:

Legal things are illegal if a Democrat does it

Nobody should care about illegal things if a Republican does it

Rabbit hole, rabbit hole

Maddow has gotten inside your head and destroyed you, pal

She’s been all over this like a dog with a bone for years and has consistently produced top quality journalism and commentary

Of course you hate her, she’s a liberal lesbian, that is the primary foundation for your hatred of her

She’s mugged you off big style

Meanwhile you’re still desperately clinging to thoroughly discredited and humiliated grifters in a desperate attempt to salvage some of your e-pride through trying to distort reality

As pitiful a site as I’ve ever seen here, you are a total fraud who has got this completely wrong every step of the way

Nice dodge and deflection.

I have no issues with liberals or lesbians whatsoever. For some reason every discussion with you comes back to sex, you have a weird and unhealthy obsession with the subject. There are many kinds of liberals, I am a conservative liberal, conservative on most economic issues, liberal on most social issues. Similar to a lot fo Democrats in the US.

Please answer the question. When Russia invaded Ukraine Obama refused to provide military support to Ukraine as he was worried about the Russian response or offending the Russians. Since Trump came to office the US has provided military assistance to Ukraine, saving Ukrainian lives and stopping Russian aggression.

Why would a Russian asset, as you claim Trump is, act to oppose Russia like that?

More projection

Deep seated sexual anxiety has always been at the heart of so called “conservative” politics and you are a classic example

See your utterly irrational obsession with Hillary Clinton and the sheer bile and hatred that came out of you evry time you brought her up

It’s the exact same with Maddow, you can’t hide your hatred of her because of what she is, not what she says, because in four years you’ve bever once been able to nae a single lie she’s told

A hatred brought about by naked misogyny and hatred of women

Like @farmerinthecity, you’re pathetically transparent, the sheer fear of strong women and the resulting sexual anxiety that drips off you is utterly pitiful

Address why Trump’s own Russia adviser thinks he’s a Russian asset

Address why Trump has never criticised Putin once in four years

Address why Trump has behaved exactly as a Russian asset would and done Russia’s bidding at every stage

You’re some slow learner, you know nothing about US politics and you know even less about Russia

Totally clueless

You’re a standing joke here

I’m married to a very strong woman and have a very strong daughter. I don’t fear either of them, but greatly respect them, and am a great admirer of them. I understand you cannot relate to any of that.

You on the other hand are a sad loser whose sole interaction with a woman was stalking one across continents and getting rejected. The results of that rejection oozes out of all your hate filled posts on here, especially your misogynist attacks on conservative women.

Still no answer to the question on why Trump is supplying military aid to Ukraine to fight Russian aggression, how sad.

No woman who would ever marry you has an ounce of strength of character

Your sexual anxiety can be summed up by your bizarre obsession with sucking tampons which you can’t help but contunually bring up

Time to get over it

Did you read the Ana Kriegel article I posted?

It skewers the explanation you have for that, one which was dripping with misogyny too

In terms of rejection, I imagine you know all about it, given that your views are so repulsive and toxic that no sane and self respecting member of society would have anything to do with you

Using the murder of a child to try and win an argument on the Internet.

You are an utter scumbag.

You’re using a murder to justify your own misogynism

You’ve a long record of defending sexual predators and sexual predatory here, and vilifying the victims of it

So I’ve clearly touched a nerve, haven’t I

If you’re that annoyed about me bringing up an article which exposes your misogynistic worldview, which you clearly are, why don’t you get onto the author of the article?

Actually, don’t - I somehow doubt she wants a crazed, women hating sexual predator on her tail

And some people wouldn’t believe me when I said a deep sexual anxiety was at the heart of what is now mainstream right wing politics… :grin:

The more you dig, the more bizarre everything about Trump, Putin and their mini-mes and their supporters becomes

All these ideas of sexual anxiety as it relates to modern right wing politics stem from the deep and completely weird sexual anxiety that guides Putin and modern Russia

Bannon and Trump have just picked them up and run with them

This Stunningly Racist French Novel Is How Steve Bannon Explains The World

“The Camp of the Saints” tells a grotesque tale about a migrant invasion to destroy Western civilization.

By Paul Blumenthal and JM Rieger

The ship’s inhabitants are also sexual deviants who turn the voyage into a grotesque orgy. “Everywhere, rivers of sperm,” Raspail writes. “Streaming over bodies, oozing between breasts, and buttocks, and thighs, and lips, and fingers.” *

The white Christian world is on the brink of destruction, the novel suggests, because these black and brown people are more fertile and more numerous, while the West has lost that necessary belief in its own cultural and racial superiority. As he talks to the hippie he will soon kill, Calgues explains how the youth went so wrong: “That scorn of a people for other races, the knowledge that one’s own is best, the triumphant joy at feeling oneself to be part of humanity’s finest — none of that had ever filled these youngsters’ addled brains.”*

Happening in a lot of places

These people are both completely bonkers and raving anti-Semites

Who was right?

Ilhan Omar was right

There is no such thing as a “white nationalist” - they are white supremacists, and white supremacism is indivisible from virulent anti-Semitism

Stephen Miller is an anti-Semite, I guess you cpould call him a self-hating Jew, because that’s quite literally what he is

Omar hates Jews mate, like yourself and Jeremy. It’s quite possible for two opposing anti-Semities to be both wrong. The far left and far right are the enemies of freedom and democracy, both camps should just fuck off. Which is what appears to be happening in the UK, with extremists from both sides resigning in droves. Long may it last.

More evidence free bullshit and smears from an actual virulent anti-Semite - yourself

And not a word about Miller’s vicious white supremacism and anti-Semitism

Quelle surprise

With the anti-Semitism pouring out of you these days like sewage pours into a rural Galway river, it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to hear of you going on a shooting rampage at a synagogue

Sure you have form in defending such massacres after your weasel words after Christchurch