US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

“Democracy”. And this shit is going on all over the place.

Thought he was gone already. No sign of him at the gods of rap concert last year.

I was reading about this this morning. Chuck D and Falvor Flav apparently fell out years ago and have been trading legal actions against each other over the past two or three years.

Ah yeah. Flav is a headbanger. When they first got a record deal the company made an offer to chuck d conditional on him ditching flav. Chuck d said no flav no deal. Chuck d is a good guy.

President trump now the youngest male candidate left. No wonder the boomers on msm hate him.

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The Taliban are running absolute rings around Trump. I mean who would possibly have guessed.

Didn’t America just attack these lads for no reason ? Should they not be entitled to some form of compensation


The wagons are being circled by the DNC.

Labane fedex me one

Do you want the t-shirt as well?

Will i have it by St Pattys day?

Early indications suggest Bernie and Biden will roughly share the spoils tonight and Bloomberg and Warren trailing bigly. It’ll be a two horse race by tomorrow.

Is it not cancelled?

Le cunamh de. Pointless now with no club finals.

Biden cleaning up so far on the eastern seaboard and southern states. Even leading in MA, with Warren in her home state in third place. Texas looks close, but overall looks to be a big night for Biden, a horrible night for Bloomberg and Warren, and a disappointing night for Bernie.

American Democrats say NO to socialism!

Biden confuses his wife with his sister at the beginning of his speech in LA.

We have come a long way from Robert Kennedy’s speech 52 years ago.

Biden quoting Seamus Heaney now.

A virtual tie in Texas between Sanders and Biden. Sanders winning Cali as expected, but surprisingly Bloomberg in second right now.

Warren and Bloomberg considering their prospects and will likely drop out tomorrow.

All going to scrip for Bernie

All gone tits up mate.