US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Looks like Texas will go to Biden.
If so, it’s all over.
Say hello to President Joe Biden.

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He should ave gotten the nod to run last time he would have walked it.We have the Clintons to thank for the last 4 years of Trump.


Wasn’t it more that his son had just died?

No.It was Hilarys turn…again.

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It was a factor in his indecision in 2015, but Obama telling him he should stand aside as it was Hillary’s turn was more decisive.

What’s remarkable about Biden is not alone was he was written off a few weeks ago, had no money and hardly campaigned and yet swept most states tonight.

Could have been Bloomberg. Warren’s hatchet job on him paved the way for Biden to pick up the large group of undecided moderates.

A great night for Sleepy Joe

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s anti-dairy terrorists try and take down Biden tonight. Tackled and sent packing by 68 year old Jill Biden.

Did he not roll over and have his belly ticked by the Clintons/Obama’s?

He’s barely coherent the poor cunt. He’s not compos mentis now never mind for four years. So the big question is who will he pick as a running mate. Could it be someone crooked?

Some bounce back from Sleepy Joe. He was 14/1 a little over a week ago for the Democrat nomination, he’s now 1/3. If he lands the nomination now as expected he will become the first nominee who hadn’t finished in the top two in the first two caucuses that voted - Iowa and New Hampshire. He has a much better chance of beating Trump than Sanders IMO.

Why? Dems put up an experienced insider traditional candidate last time and got a hammering. Why would a similar candidate do better this time?

Clinton had baggage, Biden doesn’t. He’ll give them a great shot in states like Ohio.

Because Bernie is a socialist and Biden a moderate. The majority of middle America would not vote for a socialist when the other choice is whoever the Republicans put forth. Also Biden isn’t damaged like Crooked Hillary was.

Wasn’t Hillary a moderate?

Gabbard maybe?

Don’t be so silly, you know well she had huge perception problems.

Trump will destroy Joe.

As I said already, a sad indictment of US politics that a load of geriatrics is all they could field.

Probably screwed Sanders as well. The progressive left love a split.

The pretend Indian absolutely destroyed tonight, and Bloomberg spent half a billion for that :grin: