US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Is Trump shaping up to be the youngest candidate in the race?

Almost certainly.

Do we want old man Biden here with his finger on the button?

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Absolutely laughable performance from the Dems.

Hard to disagree with the Donald here

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All that counts is which one (if any) has chance of beating the don

The problem for the Democrats, not wholly unlike Labour in the United Kingdom is that their vote is being pushed back into large metropolitan areas so that they run up big margins in places they’re going to win anyway and then get beaten by modest margins across a swathe of the country.

Trump is absolutely seething, he desperately wants Bernie to win the nomination. He’s right about Warren though, she should have dropped out and supported Bernie like Pete and Amy did for Joe. Made a huge difference in several states. Biden won Minnesota for example without ever having been there, all down to Amy.

Well at least they have a primary system unlike in the UK where entryists and zealots can take over.

Will be interesting to see what they cry about if Biden beats Trump.

I’m not sure I buy this narrative that Biden would beat trump and Bernie wouldn’t.

Biden is as establishment as they come, I know the democrats think that’s what they need, but I think they need the complete opposite

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Clinton didn’t get a hammering, she lost narrowly in three states that decided the election. Biden would have beaten Trump as he us very popular in all the swing states and loved by the black community.

Democrats are petrified/seething at the prospect of Trump winning again and are concluding Biden is the safest bet to beat him. Bernie hasn’t been able to expand his base so they are probably right.


It will be nice to have an Irish president again

You’ll probably make out you’re related to him as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The risk is that young Bernie supporters will stay at home like in 2016 in protest. Biden is a much better unifier though than Clinton was and there is serious incentive there this time to send Trump packing.

The biggest issue with Bernie is convincing people how shit things are when the economy is good. Suburban voters who increasingly decide a lot of states are doing fairly well.

Working on it. :cowboy_hat_face:

Biden will be “Huntered” to death

Why? Trump lost the popular vote by 3m to the second most unpopular candidate of all time and won the key states narrowly.

Sanders is far more risky. Biden should have been the candidate 4 years ago which is where the Democrats really messed up.

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That is utter top class WUMing

“Safe” candidates do not have a good record in US presidential elections.

In every election since 1992, the “safe” candidate has lost. Bush, Dole, Gore, Kerry, McCain, Romney, Clinton. All lost to less “safe” opponents.

Biden can win, but he needs to pick a progressive running mate, preferably a woman of an ethnic minority, and there are very few of them who are real viable choices. He needs to make a serious attempt to build bridges with the progressive wing of the party. But I imagine he’ll probably pick Kamala Harris as his running mate and she doesn’t particularly appeal to progressives.

You cannot rely purely on Trump driving an anti-Trump turnout to vote for Not Trump. Not Trump is all Biden is.

What he does have is he’ll win the “would prefer to go for a beer with him” contest over Trump. He smiles a lot. He’ll probably have Bloomberg’s money and advertsing team. And he will have Obama who will be front and centre of his campaign.

But he has a small closet full of things, either real (Anita Hill, his lies to the African-American community about his part in the civil rights struggle) or fake smears (Ukraine), that will be exploited and focussed on by the same media who will ignore Trump’s infinitely larger closet of skeletons. As is the case with Trump, his cognitive functions look to be on the way down. It sort of sums up America that the election will be between two old men entering senility.

Obama got 69 million votes in 2008. The Democrats need to aim for 70m this time at least and to do that you have to get the progressives and young people on board. Get 70m and you’ll likely make losing the electoral college almost a statistical impossibility 65 milllion is probably Trump’s ceiling. But I’m not sure if Biden can hit close to 70m. To make sure of winnign the electoral college you have to win by probably 4-5 milion nationwide. 66-67 million probably won’t be enough, unless you take Florida. This is about turnout and he has to do things that will drive it.

Funny this

That’s a pretty selective narrative you’ve got there