US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Bloomberg gone. What the fuck is Liz hanging on for, to get her delegate count above single digits?

Yes she was the favourite, but there was still a normal contest. There was a wide spectrum of candidates in 2008.

She was preordained in 2016.

This is basic stuff about the nuances of the English language. If you’re intent on spending the rest of the afternoon having a pointless debate about semantics because you have nothing better to do, fine, but you can have it on your own.

“Safe” as used here is a pejorative word. Safe means dull and boring. It also contains irony. The irony is that “safe” actually means unsafe, and that the “safe” candidate tends to be chosen largely out of fear and/or lack of ideas, a lack of ability to anticipate the terms of the next war rather than fight the last one.

Gore was boring, wooden and didn’t excite people. He was up against a crap candidate and played “safe” at all times, which is exactly why he lost, well, that and being cheated in Florida. His VP pick was awful as well, which goes back to what I said about how a bad running mate won’t win an election for you, but it can contribute to losing it.

The irony is that Gore now or in 2016 would probably have been a much more formidable candidate than he was then, who would have excited progressives much more than he did in 2000, because of his association with the environmental movement.

Kerry was deathly dull. He was the political equivalent of Roy Hodgson being made England manager.

Well say boring and not safe then, because safe means more in politics.

Clinton and Obama were the only two viable candidates in 2008.

The 2016 Democratic contest was actually a much more normal one by modern historical standards in that one candidate was favoured by the party establishment against a rival who was always fighting a losing battle.

2008 was the outlier in that it had two candidates of effectively equal strength going up against each other and both fought right to the finish of the primaries. Clinton even ended up winning the popular vote but got less delegates.

Of the three key rust belt states Clinton lost, Michigan looks the likeliest to come back to the Democratic column. I’m not so sure about Pennsylvania or Wisconsin. Biden was born in Scranton so will make a large play of that in Pennsylvania. Then again Hillary Clinton’s father was from Scranton too. Wisconsin looks even dodgier.

That leaves about five other states where Biden can gain the necessary votes to get to 270 - Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia. Georgia will hardly go blue if Florida or North Carolina don’t. Arizona is odds against. Hard to tell with Ohio but if Pennsylvania didn’t go blue, Ohio would hardly do so. I think we’re back to Florida as the key.

Love it

When was that made? For a senate race ?

It’s a new ad.

Would be a great choice. She would destroy trump on military and service points. Would be a serious swipe at snowflakes too who the dems seem to have jettisoned on purpose. Food for thought for AOC going forward

This was an insane tweet really, hubris or just over estimating the importance and numbers of the wokerati, who didn’t vote at astounding levels yesterday in many states

You’re clueless. Gabbard will be running interference for Trump and against Biden whether that is as a third party candidate or on Fox News or other looney tunes media outlets.

Gabbard ran in the Democratic campaign purely as a spoiler. Her constituents in Hawaii had had enough of her which is why she didn’t run for congress this time as she was being primaried and knew she’d lose.

That’s a bit unclear, has Obama endorsed Bernie?

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Why do people like Creepy Joe so much?

Obviously not, but the Bernie people are getting desperate it seems.

The real question is whether warren will endorse bernie, she might but nothing yet suggests she will. The dems have cracked the whip here bigly, pete, klobacher quickly ended and straight out supporting biden. Beto photographed having take away with him yesterday.

Im not sure they do at all but they really don’t lile bernie. I think the socialism tag is kryptonite for him with older americans. Who came out in droves yesterday for biden.

No but the ad does not claim that Obama has endorsed him. The ad only plays things Obama has actually said.

Sanders isn’t going to win Florida anyway. But technically at least, and indeed in reality, there is still a race.

Sanders has a narrow path, but it does still still exist. He’ll be relying on Biden suddenly attracting scrutiny and bad publicity due to being front runner again, Biden’s momentum from the withdrawals of the other candidates evaporating, and a big performance in the next debate on March 15th. He needs Warren out too.

On paper there are still a lot of states where if something happens to suddenly shift the ground back a bit, ie. if Biden’s lies about being part of the civil rights struggle start getting traction, Sanders could win - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico.

It’s only about a 10% chance I’d say but that’s still 10% more than any other candidate besides Biden has.

One candidate saying half the Democratic party are the enemy, and the other saying lets unite the party. I wonder who will win? The danger of course is that Bernie will hand the election to Trump if he continues to ramp up the seethe for the “establishment” (including those damned establishment African Americans who voted overwhelmingly for Biden last night), as his supporters will stay home in November as a lot did in 2016.

Bernie is his own worst enemy, and increasingly a big risk to Democrats chances in 2020.