US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

No, Democrats and Independents like Bernie, but there’s a growing sense that his race is done. Biden has the clear pathway now, if the swing state primaries over the next few weeks go against Bernie he should drop out.

I’d imagine Sleepy Joe will at least turn up in Wisconsin and do a bit of campaigning there. An ill advised tactic from Crooked Hilary to not turn up in the Badger State.

Rhetoric like that a few posts up sums up why progressives are angry. It’s designed to vilify Sanders, deligitimises progressives and effectively tells them to basically get lost and start their own party. I don’t think that’s a good idea.

We hear talk about “unifying the party”. Seems that that only works one way, it only ever does in the Democratic party.

Biden needs Sanders voters to vote for him en masse presuming he’s the candidate. Otherwise he won’t win. Alienating progressives is a really stupid thing to do.

If Biden wraps up the nomination the first thing he needs to do is get Bernie on board. And execrable as Gabbard is, and she’s extremely execrable, you bring her on board too.

My family are small l liberals and very much apart of the focus group clan (cc @Dziekanowsk) that Mayor Pete went for. They ultimately switched to Mayor Bloomberg but their area was 1) Biden 2) Bloomberg 3) Warren and 4) Sanders. Not the norm obviously but indicative of the switch.

I think Bernie is quite well liked in the points he makes with Democrats but he didn’t do himself any favours with the above on the “establishment”. That actually fuels an incentive to vote actively against them. You have to still pursued the boomer southshore vote in MA and not just rely on Slummerville millennials (many of whom move away from Bernie politics as they get older as is).

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What puts biden ahead of other moderates in popularity though?

I like Bernie but the Cuba thing is a bigger problem for him than the Native American Indian this is for Warren. Florida is a swing state, could come down to a few thousand votes.

It’s indicative of the problem with him. He’s so ideological he can’t just say I was wrong and move on. It’s not just Cubans in Florida, there are millions in every state who they themselves or their families fled totalitarian regimes, they don’t want to hear how great their dictators were.

Progressives throwing shade at the other candidates for the last few months, name calling etc, and now that Bernie gets a bit of criticism they are squealing like piggies.

I have zero interest in this election but I’ve just looked up this Sanders chap. He’s 78 years old FFS. Is he even right in the head to be engaging in this bollocksology at this time of life.

He’d be better off teaching his grandchildren or great-grandchildren a few useful skills like fishing or how to play 110. The daft oul’ coffin-dodger.

I’m officially out.

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Don’t look up the other two…



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If Biden wins Michigan next Tuesday it’s effectively over then.

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She put up a brave fight.


She has a big decision to make now.
Does she back Bernie, who looks like coming second again.
Does she want a job in the administration, in which case back Biden or stay neutral.
Is she a VP candidate?
Interesting choice.

Bury her heart at wounded knee


She also fucking hates Biden.



A victory for the little people

That’s nothing. Wait til little Mike hands over his network and all it entails to Joe’s campaign.