US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Tbh I don’t really want to get into him with it on it, I don’t like contributing to his spirals and it comes from US politics mostly. I only occasionally engage with him directly on it and it’s a mistake generally to do so. He is spirally here now because I merely put a % number to his own opinion. I’ll bow out again.

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This is a family forum, Pampers. Noobody needs to read the weirdness that goes through the minds of woman haters like yourself.

Seriously. Tell me how I’ve referenced your personal situation.

Did someone say “the neck on this lad?” :grin:

Have you told Una about your tampon fetish?

You’re just proving my point, you weirdo. :smile:

Honestly, if ive caused offence just explain how etc. I’ll be happy to apologise

He eats carer’s tampons. Don’t apologise to him.


Wow. The cries for help just get louder.

Any evidence yet? You’ve had long enough.

We have evidence of what you type into PornHub, yes.

Barf hates democracy

Not racist, or something.

CNN have removed an 11th August episode of Larry King in which Joe Bidens alleged victims mother gave an account of Joe’s pervy ways.

Says grab em by the pussy, no can’t be having that.

Actually grabs em by the pussy, Americas saviour.

Words matter, not actions, apparently

Dems need to boot Biden.

CNN are clearing the decks for their next favourite world leader

Also, important to note that’s 1993, that’s about 8 wives ago for Larry and 10 years since he was on there