US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

CNN and MSNBC are refusing to cover this story. The contrast with the accusation against Kavanuagh and the accusations against Trump tell you all you need to know about US media. They are political operatives, not news sources.

Aemre hitting peak Trump yet?

tenor (30)

You know that tweet is just as bad as the disinfectant gaf

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Just keep digging donnie

This story is starting to gain a little traction. It will be fascinating to watch the mental gymnastics the #metoo brigade will engage in over the next few months to explain why all women must be believed, except for this lifetime Democrat who is obviously lying.


I want to believe her

The Democrats deserve to lose.This is a tap in and they still can’t win.

Tara Reade is clearly a Russian asset.

Coumo to the rescue.


How the fuck is Joe Biden the best candidate that the Democrats can come up with. Did they learn nothing from 4 years ago putting up Hillary. They’ll lose this yet.

It’s genuinely mental that these 2 will be contesting an election.
That it’s come to this is surely a push factor for a third party to emerge and gain support, I mean an awful lot of people over there must be thinking the same fucking thing.

The problem is the Democrats are too fragmented, and the left wing progressives have too much influence. It’s the same issue the Labor party had in the UK with the Corbynistas. That gets you votes in New York, Cali and other very liberal states, but there is deep mistrust of left wing politics in most of the conservative center and south. Biden is a decent sensible centrist candidate with some serious flaws, but is lucky to be running against Trump during a pandemic.

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Harris will be Big Joe’s running mate probably?

She’s a leading candidate all right, although progressives aren’t mad about her. Ticks most of the boxes though.

If Joe exotic was on the ticket he’ll pull 10% for being famous. Could swing vote either way

Here @anon7035031. What’s the craic with these allegations against Biden? Will it cost him?

So, it’s an old allegation that has resurfaced. The woman, Tara Reade, worked for him as a staffer when he was in the Senate and claims he sexually assaulted her in 1993. Two witnesses have come forward to confirm she complained about it to them at the time. The #metoo crowd are doing backwards cartwheels claiming she is the one example of a woman who should not be believed.

If he came out and addressed it directly, it shouldn’t hurt him considering who he is up against and the numerous allegations against Trump. So far he’s being hiding from it, which adds to the suspicion that there’s something there.

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In fairness to joe, it’s unrealistic to expect him to remember who she, or anyone else is.


Well, he has always been very handsy, at least seven women have complained about inappropriate touching. This one has upped the ante and claims he fingered her, which is taking it to a new Trumpish level.