US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Beats being a racist stream of piss

I thought it was unfair of labane to blame the inbred animals.

Have a lie down and sober up, everythings gonna be okay buddy

What have I to be guilty of?

You could probably count on one hand anybody from any race who wasn’t disgusted with what happened to Mr Floyd. I really don’t get the liberal American psyche at all

@anon7035031 keeps track of those who don’t like all Trumps tweets

Takes a brain to get it you see

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Apparently a sheep farmer from Leitrim is guilty of killing some black lad in the States

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A few lads in Ireland spouting on the INTERNET responsible for all of the USA’s woes, who knew?

It’s that sort of attitude that will ensure Trump will be re elected. People with liberal guilt think they have a monopoly on intelligence.

They have a shot at intelligence which is more than the brainwashed intitutionalized racists, and that will be the difference in the end

America is fucked


Well, with friends like @Special_Olympiakos and @anon7035031, who needs enemies. Looks like they’ve both gone for a lie-down now anyway. Won’t do them any harm, bless

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They have no choice. The wrong side of history is bad place to be

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Chaos all over. This lad has police scanners on the go and all

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@Massey, the first thing you’ve got to learn when talking about America is ignore absolutely everything their President says because those are just things he says for the benefit of the people who vote for him.

Police brutality and racism in the US is no worse than it was 30 or 40 years ago and the real problem is the looney left who are making people feel angry about these things.

Why can you not understand this? You are clearly a retarded Leitrim inbred.


We’ll take this up tomorrow pal

Very good :smile:

The antifa is getting shit done. Meanwhile @anon7035031 and his alt right buddies are at home sucking at their Mother’s teet and typing furiously on twitter with tears streaming out of their eyes.


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