US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Meanwhile in Chicago

@Special_Olympiakos sent home with his tae in his mug here


@artfoley making an appearance too I see

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The Dons just landed into the 19th hole and clearly wondering wtf is going on

Has @Sid_Waddell caused this mayhem?

All those hours scheming against Trump and aligning himself with the Black Panthers.

It’s no coincidence he goes AWOL when the broken states of America is finally burning and his brothers rioting.

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National Guard requested for LA and Dallas.
Chicago is being ransacked

I’d say the looters are shitting themselves.

I read somewhere else that these are part of a biblical nut militia and are trained from an early age to prepare for the inevitable biblical war.

The Master Race not having a good time of it so far tonight

No where is safe…

Well the country is safe enough although I did need to get rid of a bubble bee hive yesterday cc @glenshane .

It was close to where the kids play and under shit for the farm which I might, probably not, use. Green Party members would probably fuck the shit out cleaning the earth but then I’d need it and I’d have to drive the diesel into town and purchase something flown in from Germany. (Not China). Air miles and wastage!

Anyway, It wasn’t a native Irish bee or a honey bee so I was happy enough to get the hose pipe and send in the water and ammonia mix to sort out the 50 inhabitants.

I wasn’t overly joyed at doing it but that’s life in the Country.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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I’ll give him credit for actually turning up unlike the rest of these right wing fucks.

Thoroughly fucked

The replies here are glorious, they fucked him up, set his car on fire :smile:

The yanks love a good looting. Nothing says black lives matter like a new pair of runners and a 50 inch TV


Preach sister

Good god

Ah lads, this is insane. The tans are on the streets of America.

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