US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Whatever you do, don’t cry. You wouldn’t want to be humiliated by half the forum on the “Favourite Meltdowns about Trump” thread.

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CNN (or ‘Fake News’ as Bernie Sanders referred to them) are currently having a meltdown

They are seething.

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I would not wish to live in this country

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Imagine what these lunatics would have been like in the late sixties, like in 1969 for example when there was over 4000 bombings in the USA. And it’s hard to comprehend how anyone could be so terrified of maybe a thousand landlocked insurgents, thousands of miles away, who have no popular support and are being routed in every battle they fight. It completely baffles me how these people claim some association with the generation that fought Nazi Germany.

It all seems very much like soft, fat suburbanites with a pop culture fed warrior complex wanting to feel dangerous.

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Soft, fat suburbanites like this nutcase who “accidentally” shot his daughter in the head and killed her from three feet away.

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This is their latest brainwave:

"The gun industry also has its eye on the next generation. New lines of weapons designed for young shooters have been rolling off the production lines, like the Crickett company’s Davey Crickett rifle and other .22-caliber long guns, which often come in bright primary colors and are designed with plastic parts to make them lighter and produce less recoil.

Shooting Sports Retailer enthused that these weapons “bring the coolness and fun of the tactical rifle to kids and less serious shooters.” The NRA also has a “family” branding arm that promotes guns to children on its website, including in “the six- to 12-year-old range."

:grinning: is that video from Total Recall?

Arnie > Trump

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Some of these mentalists make the apartheid-supporting Afrikaaners look not so bad by comparison.

Eugene TerreBlanche would probably be classed as a “moderate” were he involved with conservative politics in the US today.

The mice.

She’s a miserable looking cunt.

President Trump’s travel ban is back in force, great news

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Pretty hot though in fairness.

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What is Trump’s obsession with women’s blood? Seriously?

This Morning Joe thing is probably the most pathetic stunt he’s pulled yet.

He has the mental age of an eight year-old.

Three year old mate, get it right.

I see Melania’s war on cyber-bullying is going well.

Fake News. Melania never launched her intended cyber bullying initiative, as she is too busy juggling being a parent and first lady.

As early as November 2015, Donald Trump announced that “anyone who hits me, we’re going to hit them ten times harder”, similar to the tactics Galway used today in response to Wexford’s attempts at timber in the first 20 minutes.

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