US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

So much winning, you’re going to get tired of winning.

He’s the president of the united states… and your point is? From your winning vantage of course

Not for much longer

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Ginger, get the popcorn

Short odds on another incoherent Twitler rant within the next hour or so.

Time gap is only four hours at the moment, and 6-7am is when he does his best work. Stand by.

He’ll surely blame the black lad

If only there were some kind of panel that could decide on who’s lives are worth living and who’s aren’t.
Like the ACA has :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
Shit’s getting funnier / sadder / more tragic / scary by the day, yo.

Speculation abounding that Michael Flynn has been “flipped” by the FBI. :popcorn:



Good exclusive for @Sidney from few weeks back

Given the fact that Flynn has already been tried and found guilty by the media of treason, and the ongoing Washington witch hunt against Trump associates, it’s unsurprising Flynn is asking for immunity. What is newsworthy is that Manaford, Page, Stone and now Flynn have volunteered to give testimony to congress. Hardly the actions of guilty parties, given none of them have been asked to testify as yet.

Contrast with Clinton aides during the email investigation who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to testify and then took the fifth. Now that is a sign of guilt.

There still isn’t a shred of evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to influence the election. There is however mounting evidence that US intelligence personnel leaked classified information to the press, including illegally identifying US citizens subject to wire taps.

My prediction is no evidence will be found on the former charge and some senior intelligence officers will be heading to prison on the latter charge.

There’s also no evidence that Flynn has “flipped”. That bit of fake news stemmed from a tweet by an Obama associate and was picked up by gullible news organizations. She walked it back the next day, admitting it was speculation.

The issue for Flynn is what was actually discussed with the Russian ambassador. If the conversation, which clearly was recorded, is open to interpretation then that’s why he is asking for immunity. Nothing wrong with discussing anything in a general sense or say listening to the ambassadors concerns on sanctions, however if promises were made that Trump would lift sanctions, that would be illegal.

The Sean Spicer of Tfk returns.




Trump today: “Mike Flynn should ask for immunity”

Trump on Sep. 27th: "If you’re not guilty of a crime, what do yo…

Flynn was a Turkish agent who discussed kidnapping yer man Gulen who Erdogan blamed for the coup last year.

A Turkish agent who was appointed National Security Adviser, thereby having access to all the US president’s intelligence briefings.

A Turkish agent who continually lied about his ties to Russia in an administration that has constantly lied about its members’ ties to Russia.

You couldn’t make it up.

Watergate has got nothing on this shit.

Tick tock.