US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

CNN now reporting the transcript of a telephone conversation Trump had with Flynn last night. Apparently when Trump heard Flynn was looking for immunity, he rang him to offer him a vaccine.

“Hey Mike, I heard you’re looking for immunity.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“That’s great, that’s sooo great, Mikey, I have something that can help you, I got an immunity vaccine for you, and listen up, it’s not one of those bad measles vaccines that give you AIDS, this is the BEST vaccine, the GREATEST vaccine around, believe me. You know I hate vaccines 'cause they’re bad, but this vaccine is AMAZING. I save this one for my friends.”

This probably belongs on the it could have been me thread, but thank Christ Flynn the Turkish agent was fired. I could have been kidnapped for my coup attempt :scream: We live in dangerous times, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

cc @Ashman

Bloomberg have confirmed that Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Advisor and “right hand woman” was the senior official responsible for unmasking Trump administration officials. This is why Nunes had to be so cautious until he had hard evidence. This is the same cunt who claimed the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous attack due to an offensive video, a claim that turned out to be bullshit and deflected from the incompetence of herself and the other horrible cunt.

Shit is about to get serious.


Which is perfectly legal. Pity for @anon7035031, he seemed really excited.

And still amounts to the same thing - Trump completely made up the tweets about having a “wire tapp” supposedly placed on him.

The shit is already serious. For Mr. Trump and others on his team. And he knows it.

One of those should be Mr. Nunes, who collaborated with the Trump administration to sabotage the investigation of his own committee.

I think that’s called obstruction of justice.

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If there was a shred of evidence that Trump officials had collaborated with Russians to influence the election, it would already be public, as if there is one thing the Obama administration was good at up to leaving office it is leaking to the press. Sadly for the Democrats and their utterly moronic supporters, there is no evidence and none will emerge.

While a senior govt official (and only 3 can, Susan Rice was one) asking to unmask a US citizen as part of a national security investigation may not be illegal, systematic unmasking of multiple individuals for political purposes is completely illegal. We already know from Nunes that the intercepted communications had nothing to do with Russia. This is spying on the opposition, plain and simple, a felony punishable by imprisonment, as in Watergate.

It’s absolutely clear now what happened. During the campaign and after Trump was elected, Susan Rice made a series of requests to unmask Trump officials and gain access to intelligence intercepts. Before he left office Obama expanded the distribution of intelligence reports to 16 different government agencies, ensuring that they would be leaked, and making it virtually impossible to identify the source of the leak.

It’s quite amazing how those that claim to support democracy have no problem with democracy being subverted, so long as their side is the one doing the subverting. Blinkered, narrow minded, and delusional.

It would appear you’re not terribly familiar with how criminal case is built.

But you also ignore the trail of evidence already out there and the trail of lies from Trump staffers.

Amazing, for instance, how the Steele dossier is bearing out and how Russians connected to it keep turning up dead. Mad, that.

As FBI agent Clinton Watts said at the senate hearings, follow the trail of dead Russians. I guess you’d call that another “Clinton conspiracy”, though.

Your own source will clarify things for you:

It’s truly touching the way you keep placing such store on Mr. Nunes, who has disgraced and humiliated himself over th past two weeks.

It’s lucky the Obama Administration protected the intelligence about Russian hacking.

Because otherwise Trump and his goons would have made sure it no longer existed.

@anon7035031 is seething that his hero didn’t get to run the shredder.

It’s also lucky for Trump that Obama stopped James Comey from going public with the details on Russian hacking before the election, as Comey wanted to do.

Obama did that because he didn’t want to be seen to interfere in the election.

But Trump and his goons like Nunes have proved overwhelmingly that they have no problem attempting to sabotage the course of justice.

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There have been over five times more drone strikes in “non-battlefield” areas under Trump than there have been under Obama:

By at least one measure at this point in his presidency, Trump has been more interventionist than Obama: in authorizing drone strikes and special operations raids in non-battlefield settings (namely, in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia). During President Obama’s two terms in office, he approved 542 such targeted strikes in 2,920 days—one every 5.4 days. From his inauguration through today, President Trump had approved at least 75 drone strikes or raids in 74 days—about one every day.

As i said, completely delusional, resorting to conspiracy theories now invented by a UK “source” who was paid handsomely by first Jeb Bush and then the DNC to find dirt on Trump… about as believable as all those women who claimed to have been assaulted by Trump, but have mysteriously vanished, as I predicted they would, after securing their 15 minutes of fame.

The entire Russian interference in the US election story is based on the Wikileaks disclosures in the months preceding the election. All of the material was hacked from John Podesta’s private gmail account, in a phishing scam that the stupid cunt fell for. A 12 year old could have hacked his email.

If Obama’s White House were concerned about security, they should have been concerned with a secretary of state using a private email server and her campaign manager using a private email that was hacked. They weren’t, their sole interest was spying on their potential opponent (the unmasking requests go back to February 2016, long before any leaks or claimed Russian interference), and after the election spying on the incoming administration.

As always, Kimberely Strassel of the WSJ gets it spot on. What Nunes discovered was that team Obama was spying broadly on the incoming administration.

Why is the dossier largely bearing out as being true?

I don’t think you’ve been following the news for the past number of months.

Well, not actual news, you appear to be following a lot of far-right conspiracy sites that are covering things that nobody with a brain takes seriously.

You seem terribly eager to mention irrelevant stuff about Hillary Clinton however. Newsflash: nobody cares. The election was almost five months ago. Clinton is out of the picture. You, like Trump, need to get over that fact, and stop digging yourself ever deeper into your apparently bottomless pit of delusion.

The Wall Street Journal were the ones to break the Flynn story last week.

You airbrushed it out of your mind. You tend to do that a lot.

The Washington Times are now reporting that the spying of the Trump campaign by the Obama administration goes back to November 2015, a year before the election, when Susan Rice made the first of dozens of requests for “detailed spreadsheets” of intercepted calls involving members of Trump’s team.

Don’t expect to read about this in the MSM, as the Washington Post, NYT, NBC and ABC have all refused to cover the story and CNN firmly nail their colors to the mast as former Obama administration member Jim Sciutto calls it “fake news” and the idiot clown Don Lemon announces that CNN are not covering the story and will not “aid and abet” this Trump diversion. CNN once again deciding what news their viewers should be exposed to, a complete jokeshop at this point.

So now we have a timeline of events:

November 2015: Susan Rice makes the first of dozens of requests for detailed spreadsheets of intercepts of the Trump team, requests that continued up until Obama left office. It is hardly surprising the Obama administration were spying on Trump as they were spying on everyone, friend and foe, remember Obama had to apologize to Merkel and the Japanese PM for wiretapping their phones three years ago.

March 2016: John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign manager, is sent a phishing email by the hacker “Fancy Bear” who also targeted the DNC and other Democratic aides, and the stupid cunt responded to it giving them his new password. All of Podesta’s emails were subsequently released before the election by Wikileaks.

It is clear as day what is going on now. The “collaboration” of the Trump team with the Russians is a diversion to distract from the inevitable exposure of Obama’s spying on his political opponents. The stupid arrogant cunts were so convinced Clinton would win they believed they could get away with anything. There is zero evidence that anyone in the Trump team helped the hackers access Podesta’s email, nor did they need any help, they got all the help they needed from Podesta himself.

Susan Rice will be asked to testify before congress and my prediction is to avoid a prison sentence she will take the fifth, a clear admission of guilt.

Sids firing up the google machine as we speak. Interesting post though.

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Susan Rice in her first interview since proclaiming “I know nothing about that” a few weeks ago:
“I leaked nothing to nobody”
Translation “I leaked everything to everybody”.
Called to testify to Congress, should be interesting.

You can really can read Spicey (aka @anon7035031) like a cheap tabloid piece of trash, just like Trump.

If Spicey says something is a story, it generally isn’t. If Spicey says something is fake, it’s real news.

Some nice, good old fashioned corruption here from Health Secretary Tom Price. You almost have to admire the brass neck.

Tom Price Intervened on Rule That Would Hurt Drug Profits, the Same Day He Acquired Drug Stock

Roger Stone alleging Kushner is leaking to MSNBC :smile:

Steve Bannon GONE from the National Security Council.

Likely because everybody else has quickly realised he’s a nutcase, particularly Kushner and McMaster.

How long before Bannon leaves the administration altogether?

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No doubt this is either a misunderstanding or a spin by CBS as well


Putting Bannon on the National Security Council to keep Flynn in check is like appointing Ted Bundy to supervise a girls’ boarding school dorm and getting the Yorkshire Ripper in to make sure he doesn’t try anything untoward.