Vile post
Equating a fellow armed with a bicycle lock with a fellow ploughing a car into a crowd
Hilarious stuff from the lickspittle.
@anon7035031 is actually defending Naziism now.
There really is no need for any further words.
He shows his true colours with a few taken.
What went down in the states yesterday? KKK March attacked by rappers? Or a rappers demonstration against the KKK attacked by a white supremacist who is not a terrorist?
He’s by far the best pisstake poster on TFK in fairness to him. The ease with which he goes into deranged fascist lunatic character is very skilful. Sometimes it’s almost like he actually is one.
The kkk were attacked by rapers. Carnage.
Those sneaky Democrats have those Rappers in their back pockets.
46 mins ·
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Cork supporters should be leaving the confederate flags at home today, in light of The dead at Charlottesville yesterday. I know ye mean no malice in it. But it’s not far off waving a Union Jack around West Cork where the Tans were.
Trump is scared out of his shit of offending the far-right/racist/KKK/Nazi types. He could easily condemn them unequivocally but refuses to do so.
That’s because these types and people who have a sneaking regard for them make up a huge proportion of his support, and they’re the most vocal in their support for him, in fact they’re pretty much the only types who are still actively and vocally supporting him.
If Trump offends them, he’s pretty much friendless.
I’ve stated this numerous times, much to the snowflakey offence of the likes of @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins.
And Trump keeps proving me right.
He definitely shouldn’t have said “on all sides”. Was a strong statement before that. Absolutely accepted.
He didn’t say “on all sides”, he said “from many sides”, which is accurate. There were a lot of hate groups gathered in Charlottesville, neo-Nazis, KKK, various white supremists on one side, and Antifa fascists, Black Lives Matter and fringe left loonies on the other side. All those groups went there expecting violence and got what they wanted. What the fuck do people thing Trump meant when he called out those advocated “hate, bigotry, racism and violence”? The same dullard cunts who are outraged that Trump didn’t specifically use the terms KKK or neo-Nazis had no issue when Obama couldn’t use the words Islamist terrorists when those deranged lunatics killed dozens in Boston and San Bernardino.
The White House issued a statement this morning stating “The president said he condemns all forms of bigotry, violence and hatred. Of course this includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazis and all extremists”. Ivanka Trump tweeted “There should be no place in society for racism, white supremacists and Neo Nazis”
The loons will now find a way to argue calling out these groups by name as extremists is not offending them.
Fantastic response, simpleton.
It’s the only response you deserve.