US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

He doesn’t have any policies Sid, that’s how to look at it.

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It would be more funny if it wasn’t reality :disappointed_relieved:


End times

The thing that amazes me about this is that no one in America seems to be calling Trump out on this. Ted Nugent is an absolutely disgusting piece of racist filth. Are we just accepting this now as the new normal?

Sarah Palin is an attractive women , batshit madness notwithstanding .

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Trump, Kid Rock and Sarah Palin in the one photo, good fuck

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And Ted Nugent.

I was trying to ignore him.

Wouldn’t have known anyone in that photo apart from Trump and Palin. Who are the other 2 wimmin?

Kid Rock is wearing a lovely shirt

It’s been the new normal for a while pal, inviting misogynist racist pieces of shit to the White House has been in fashion for some time (actually technically Ted wasn’t invited, Palin brought him as her guest). Obama invited the rapper Rick Ross to the house, who showed up in an ankle bracelet and set off the alarms. That would be the Rick Ross of the infamous lyric “Put molly in her Champagne, she ain’t even know it, I took her home and I enjoyed that, she ain’t even know it”.

You choose to live in one of the most misogynist, racist shitholes on the planet, people in glass houses, etc.


President Trump surrounding himself with rock and rollers and beautiful women :ronnyroar:

A real quote:

"“So they asked me, Wolf … asked me about NATO, and I said two things. ‘NATO’s obsolete’ — not knowing much about NATO, now I know a lot about NATO — NATO is obsolete, and I said, ‘And the reason it’s obsolete is because of the fact they don’t focus on terrorism.’ You know, back when they did NATO, there was no such thing as terrorism.” - Donald Trump

Also a real quote:

“No I have, it’s interesting, I have, seem to get very high ratings. You know Chris Wallace had 9.2 million people, it’s the highest in the history of the show. I have all the ratings for all those morning shows. It’s the highest for “Face the Nation” or as I call it, “Deface the Nation.” It’s the highest for “Deface the Nation” since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage.” - Donald Trump

Trump was unaware he could not negotiate different trade deals with individual EU countries.

This is the man who it’s claimed made “trade” a central plank of his campaign.

It’s like having @The_Most_Infamous as US President.

I think the biggest issue is that he sold himself as a pragmatist and deal maker. A guy who gets things done. Yet he’s failed to deliver on a single one of his pledges for his first 100 days and was humiliated on the healthcare issue. He’s being shown up as the snake oil salesman and bullshitter he is.


But, but, but…

“He’s getting things done!”
“He’s delivering on his promises!”
“He’s doing what he said he’d do!”