US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Looks like it’s game over at the White House for airport gun-toting, neo-Nazi collaborating slimeball Sebastian Gorka as the neo-con establishment attempt the de-diabolisation of the Trump administration.

I see this halfwit has even less understanding of American history than one would assume.

Meh, it’s about as much knowledge as I would have assumed he had.

Another clown commenting on US politics from thousands of miles away, who likely gets his news from the same liberal fake news sources as his fellow clown.

Andrew Jackson was the last strong president in the run up to the US civil war. Although he was from the south himself, he left southern politicians in no doubt where he stood on talk of secession, sending navy warships to Charleston harbor and threatening to hang anyone who opposed the federal government and proposed secession.

Whether Jackson could have prevented the civil war were he still around as Trump claimed is debatable, what is established though is he was succeeded by a series of the worst US presidents in history. Jackson is highly ranked by serious historians, unlike clowns like Harrison, Tyler, Fillmore and the utter clown Buchanan that succeeded him.

Please don’t comment on anything relating to Europe then mate


I spend a lot of time in Europe mate, unlike the two clowns referenced on US matters, at least one of whom has never set foot on US soil.


your last trip to Europe was an unmitigated disaster

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It was fantastic mate, the best part of which was not spending any time in the shithole you inhabit.

  • you fell out with everybody you knew
  • you were involved in a failed coup
  • you described some little chef type diner as being the best restaurant you had been in for years
  • you drank too much and had blackouts

That clown @anon7035031 couldn’t even find an open pub in Ireland and he expects people to think he’s knowledgeable about stuff that happened in the 1830s.

The chap couldn’t tie his own shoelaces.

He’s probably still up drinking at 6am writing this nonsense.

He contracted a virus from a hooker on Catherine St

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lies (mostly)
The only people I fell out with were a few sad nutters on TFK
The battle may have been lost, but the war was won, the Nogra now rule.
lies, I ate in some of Ireland’s finest dining establishments
true, but hardly a disaster. One cannot aspire to understand Irish culture without drinking too much occasionally

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I’d be more worried for the hooker.

No mate, I’m up to earn a living, unlike a welfare lowlife who has sponged off the state all his life.

You seem very familiar with the area, tell us more of your exploits there.

We all know that’s not true and that you’re a raging alcoholic still drinking at 6am.

You have serious anger management issues.

I hope for your sake you don’t have a gun.

It’s 7AM, but wouldn’t expect an uneducated jackass to figure that one out.

No, mate, it’s 3pm.

Who’s the jackass now, eh?



Don’t give him ideas. He’s a very angry man. The last thing we need is to provoke a shooting incident on some poor innocent in South Dakota.