US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Neil won the war - The crosses are still burning.

Neil Young sang Sweet Home Alabama at the memorial for Ronnie Van Zant. Up your bollox tanmouse.

Sure it was only a bit of banter


The Van Zant Bantz

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Where did I dismiss it? I questioned it’s conclusions, which any intelligent person would do when it comes to economic theories. As the saying goes “if you laid all the economists in the world in a row, they still wouldn’t reach a conclusion”.

The author of the article you posted, Ed Dolan, published a follow up study where he concluded that the size of government is not a useful indicator, so here we have the author of the article you claimed backed up your opinion rubbishing your opinion. In fact, his conclusion is that “the size of government turns out to have little effect one way or another on freedom and prosperity”. Not me dismissing something, the lad you quoted yourself.

Up your bollox.

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Well ESPN and Mr. Lee. :clap:

This one has really triggered the right-wing snowflakes.

How right she was…

A lesson in how to clamp oneself. Clumsy and careless as Trump’s language is, I don’t ever remember him referring to black youths as “super predators”. It’s also a bit foolish of you to be drawing attention to racism, considering you have been the most blatant racist on the site.

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Show me an image of her wearing it, pal.

Moving the goal posts again.

Every word she uttered in that video ( edited it may be ) stacks up in relation to recent events.
I don’t give a shit about her or Saunders, the left, centre or right media, I just can’t understand how an emigrant could consistently back up a man of Trumps standing.

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Easily photoshopped. I’m on it right now.

You might also want to check out other aspects of her racist past, including her gushing praise for Margaret Sanger who was a big fan of eugenics to “weed out the unfit”, and was an admirer of the KKK.

HRC has a lot of skeletons in her closet when it comes to racism, like yourself.

@carryharry 's racism and hypocrisy exposed once again.

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The point is she has much more in common with white supremacists and racism than Trump has ever had. Do a bit of research before embarrassing yourself (again).

I am not in the business of defending Trump as I didn’t vote for him, nor support him. I am in the business of defending the truth and pointing out the hypocrisy of the hysterical opposition to Trump, much of it from idiots like yourself.

No, no lickspittle.

You are rummaging through nothing horseshit trying to deflect from the abomination of a President you bow to. Trump rallied the Racist troops in his campaign. His victory was seen as a Green light for them to mobilise.

But carry on, carry on blaming the media & beaten candidates for the rough ride poor Donald gets.

You are the one who brought up the racist Clinton, you jackass.

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No really relevant . She is pimping a book at present and is demonising the POTUS to sell said book . There are two books out showing why she lost in 2008 and in 2016 , The current POTUS ain’t my cup of tea but as yet his errands are relatively small compared to HRC , I will give him a full term and let the US electorate judge him .

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Mmmhhhh. Off you go again.

Watch the video.

Barack made similar statements on Trump also, was he a Racist too Jackass? Did the KKK boys see an opening to mobilise under his reign?

Clinton never specifically referred to African Americans as “superpredators”.

She referred to “gangs of youths” as such.

Now, if you’re to take that as an implication that she was referring to African American youths and was a racist comment by dint of such, you would then have to acknowledge Mr. Trump has been flagrantly racist, given the amount of times he has referred to “gangs” in far worse terms.

But you deny Trump is a racist.