US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

There are 230 million people in the US, and roughly 5,000 members of the KKK. I honestly don’t see them as a big threat.

This seems pretty racist.

Trump on July 24th, 2017:

The predators and criminal aliens who poison our communities with drugs and prey on innocent young people, these beautiful, beautiful, innocent young people will, will find no safe haven anywhere in our country. And you’ve seen the stories about some of these animals. They don’t want to use guns, because it’s too fast and it’s not painful enough. So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl, 16, 15, and others and they slice them and dice them with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die. And these are the animals that we’ve been protecting for so long.

Surprising ignorance out of you, as you generally have time to do your research. Not alone did she use the term “super predators”, she also said they need to be “brought to heel”.
Imagine if Trump said that!

Read the post, because you clearly didn’t read it properly.

I didn’t say she didn’t use the term.

I referred to who she referred to.

He’s talking about Mexican drug cartel gang members. This is another point of confusion for idiots, similar to the charge of racism for denouncing Islamist terrorists. Muslims are not a race, and Mexicans are not a race, it’s simple enough to understand.

It is a reasonable inference she was talking about African American gangs which is what the Politifact article concluded.

There are plenty other examples of racism tendencies in HRC’s past, the Margaret Sanger one the most obvious. She also campaigned for Barry Goldwater don’t forget, back when she was a Republican before switching sides.

It’s quite obviously racist.

And that’s without even mentioning Trump’s consistent use of “gangs” (the same word Hillary Clinton used when she made the speech in 1996) and “inner-cities” in extremely disparaging and damaging terms.

Trump uses these words as wedges to appeal to whites who have racist issues.

You’ve tried to paint Clinton as racist based on one comment she made in 1996 which wasn’t even specifically made against blacks, but then you completely ignore Trump’s far more widespread use of the same terms and defend him as not being racist.

You’re yet again engaging in one of your favourite pastimes, cognitive dissonance.

Oh, there are a lot more instances of Donald Trump having racist tendencies, mate.

A lot more.

But that’s hardly surprising for somebody whose father had KKK links.

He’s not responsible for his father’s actions before he was born, ffs.

The point is that both HRC and Trump have instances in their pasts that can be argued to be racist, regardless of the fact both have strenuously denied the charges. I personally don’t believe either are racists, at least not overtly (who know’s what’s in her heart, he wears his heart on his sleeve so what you see is what you get).

No he isn’t. But he is responsible for his own actions. And he has never taken responsibility for those, ever.

Hillary Clinton may well have done things in the past that showed evidence of an unconscious or mild racial bias as a result of being brought up in a different time, like many white Americans, probably a large majority.

The point is Clinton apologised unreservedly for her choice of words in that speech. And she quite clearly is not currently a racist, and did not run on a racist platform. There’s a good reason why she had the overwhelming loyalty of black and minority voters both in the primary and in the presidential election.

Trump quite clearly did run on a platform which appealed to current white racism. He continues to now, even more explicitly. And he’s never issued a word of contrition for any of that or for all the instances of racism he’s been involved in the past.

And of course, he is a great example of a superpredator himself.

Fantastic stuff, did you ever consider a career in journalism or are you on an internship here at TFK?


They pay me by the amount of digs I can get in at Galway GAA.

Should be a profitable week and a half.

Yet another public resignation letter.

This chap likes to insert hidden meanings into his writing in the same way I sometimes do.

Maybe we should give Trump Leo’s job. Might encourage a bit of a badly needed clean out in some government departments

Trump has been overtly racist you idiot.

So now you’re arguing for quality of government rather than “small government”, you’re changing your tune.

badly needed??

which depts. mate?

Trump just tweeted this :joy:




But thats not how an eclipse works…