US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

If you believe any of that you’re a retard,

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Any of what mate? About whether there are aliens among us.
If you know what actually happened in this case, sure tell us.


Sure you’de believe anything I’d say you silly gullible fool.

So, the justice system works. Why cops shoot so many people is another question, but when they act unlawfully or appear to act unlawfully they are charged. In most cases where they get off, it’s because they were folloing their training.

I wouldn’t. In fact from what I seen of you so far, I wouldn’t believe anything you say. But sure tell us what you think happened anyway, we can critique it for you and advise whether you are delusional. there are some great mental health programs here in TFK and several pretend psychologists…

Oh, that’s it, from now on I’m going to shit on you when I feel like it. Gullible clown. You actually dare to be arrogant.

I’m quaking in my boots. Bring it asshole.

Bring it?? did you say bring it? You’re only a young fellow sure. I should’ve known better. Honestly you shouldn’t be so gullible and eager to believe authority/authoritative figures in the future.

I should believe you though? A headcase.

Ya that’s exactly the conclusion any sane person would come to alright :grinning:

Believe what you want young man.

What’s the alternative? No jury? It’s the jury that acquitted him, and sometimes they get it wrong. Or maybe the prosecutor overreached in going for second degree murder.

The gun the cop used. His own it seems.

I read somewhere that police training in the states is dreadful. Literally only weapons and tactics, no interpersonal skills or engaging with the public training at all. All fear based and all based on the assumption that everyone is packing.

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It also varies massively by state and even cities. What they have to deal with in some areas is not unlike a war zone. Gangs are the worst obviously but domestic violence call outs can be very dangerous as people have already lost the plot. Assuming they are going to be shot at is always close to mind. A lot of it is panicking.

You missed the baby, you missed the blind man…


What a vile piece of shit you really are. We are all very lucky you tucked your tail between your legs & ran away.

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Mate whatever herb you are putting in your herbal tea isn’t working, and wanking furiously to bestiality doesn’t count as yoga. Kindly fuck off and stop following me around whinging like a 13 year old girl on the rag.
You are an insufferable simpleton, a pox on this site.

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You’re a vile cunt.

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