US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Republican candidates in the key swing state US Senate races have developed what will surely be a winning messaging strategy.

What a humiliation for Sarah Palin. First time the Democrats have won this seat in 50 years. @maroonandwhite won’t like this at all.

Takes time but read the whole thread


Greenwald :laughing:
Just sounds like any other whiny right-wingnut grifter now. Pity, he had something about him in the past.
This is what happens when you hitch yourself to the likes of Alex Jones.

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So when he says something you don’t agree with you scream names at him. Sounds like you want him cancelled. Why can lefties debate points?

Cry harder, mate, specifically about the things that Glenn wants you to cry about.

I put up a few of his points, you started whinging, can you debate even one? Didn’t think so.

Laughing, not whinging at Glenn Greenwald who is so concerned about disinformation that he tied himself to Alex Jones and promoted his movie :laughing:

I read his points - nothing new or original that hasn’t been whinged about by the right-wing griftersphere already, even Soros got a mention.

People in big corporate media and tech are mean to us - waaaaahhhhhh.
They’re trying to censor us - waaaaaahhhhh - here’s all the things I have to say about it, uncensored - waaaaaaahhhh.

All of that is absolute nonsense ffs. :smiley:

The free thinkers latest independent thought ,they have been told to have, is that they are being censored

Sure they went away and setup their own social media echo chamber because they didn’t like people telling them truth. The poor snowflakes

And what happened to it?

This place?

So you either didn’t read it, or didn’t understand it. His whole point is that government agencies and parties are directing who is welcome to publish online and who isn’t

No Parler as he mentioned

The place that allowed a coup to be organised? It’s still going sure.

Log on there and you can get the latest in what freethinkers have been told to think

It was banned. Then it was re instated. The banning is the problem.

Similar to how the NY post was banned before an election in an admitted attempt to influence that election.

It wasn’t “banned” mate. It was removed from app stores. Because of the whole allowing the attempted overthrow of the Government thing

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But yet you support the NY post being banned to influence an election?

Is The Post gone?

Yes it’s been BANNED. Along with Christmas. Fucking liberals