US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Whatever, I didn’t come in looking for a row tonight. You obviously seem to think you know a whole lot more about it than I do
Fair play to you. Laugh away. I said in my post I didn’t have that much knowledge. So Ill bow to your obvious unchallenged expertise

Id say its the other way around. Lgb folks probably want to stay clear of the madness and lead a normal life, get married, raise a loving family and be happy. The gender ideology craic just gets more and more mind-boggling by the week


LGBT stands for lesbian gay bisexual and trans.

I realise that. Im just asking the question is being part of that movement the best way to further ones cause as a trans person as lesbian, gay and bisexual are all sexual preferences . As I said being trans doesn’t specifically reference ones sexual preference.

Neither does intersex and that is in the updated acronym LGBTQIA+

Here boss, Im a roaster . Once you go past lgbt, the rest just looks like an anagram to me


They all refer to the way you were born.

What does queer mean now? Im not even messing. It used to mean gay or lesbian, as in someone who fancied their own type. Has it evolved to be something else?

That sounds like utter horseshit. No doubt plenty of academic research from activists has gone into the topic.

In reality, you’ll find that parents want what’s best for their child and often the child is not the best judge of life changing decisions. The current trans craze is encouraging children in their teens to follow extremely experimental life-changing treatments and surgeries. This is being pushed by activists and the pharmaceutical industry that can make up to a few million per patient with hormone treatments that will be taken for a lifetime. I have no doubt that many lives will be destroyed by this and believe that mental health issues cannot be treated by butchering up your body.

Most of the cheerleaders for this on here are childless Uber liberals, quelle surprise.


I think it’s used as an all encompassing term for anything outside of straight.

But are they all not listed individually within it? As in Lesbian gay bisexual trans?

I dont think there’s anyone cheerleading it, i think people are more saying 'cool the jets, its not have as big an issue as you think and why would yiu care about someone elses personal choices anyway.
In what way do the lgbtqwhatever lobby effect change that makes a negative difference to ‘normal’ peoples lives?

How many kids are being gender re assigned here?

As in the ‘first world’?

The asexuals wouldn’t be covered by the LGBT for example. And the q is for anything outside of normal gendered too. Any bit of variation really. Intersex is often there as well. I wouldn’t be an expert on it. You should ask someone working in the arts or something.

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Here you go for the info lads.

The Q can be ‘questioning’ as well as ‘queer’. The plot thickens.

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Cc @glasagusban

Whats not covered by the rest that queer is?


From my limited understanding, queer is used by many who don’t wish to be compartmentalised by labels termed by heteronormative individuals. There are others who use it to ‘reclaim’ the term, not dissimilar to sexually liberated women reclaiming the word ‘slut’. Then some who use it, who know they are not heterosexual but are at the current time of usage questioning where in the acronym they identify with the most.

Thats not sexual though? Thats a hobby sure. People who want to pretend to be animals.