US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Correct 4 year maximum jail sentence per each charge but as no previous he won’t see any jail time

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The civil war starts here

He can

Kangaroo court corrupt DOJ witch hunt etc etc

He can run in the election and can serve as President. As a felon he would be barred from voting in some states.

I believe that he can…

He can what?

President Trump is addressing the press

Gracious words from Donald J Trump

This will do him no harm whatsoever. In fact it may even help him. The only trial that can damage him is the insurrection accusation which won’t happen until after the election

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Democrats just provided a catalyst for his re-election chances.

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The jury found him guilty, not Democrats.

Won’t lose him any votes but definitely won’t gain him any.

In fairness in changes fuckall. If you were going to vote for him before this unlikely changes your mind. It certainly isn’t going to make people vote for him that weren’t planning on it.

It’s America. You’d be surprised. Half the country, maybe more than half, has no other interest in politics except that it be like the Jerry Springer Show.

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Some opportunity for grifters to make a quick buck off the backs of cultists.

Get your flags, scarves and headbands. Get your posters. Get your t-shirts. Get your NFTs. Get your car bumper stickers. Get your air fresheners. Get your talking Trump dolls.

Donate, donate, donate!

This cunt seems to have a high profile for the last few weeks for some reason. He first came upon my radar here.

He’s the Cork Roy.


He’s the Cork Ewan by the sounds of him.

Falange making his 36th (Thirty Sixth) appearance on Question Time tonight, two more than the amount of charges Donald Trump was just found guilty of.

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