US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

What a strange comment. If you had paid any attention to my posts for the past several years you would know I am not a leftist, generally oppose leftists, and increasingly regard many leftists as nutters. As for Trump, I donā€™t support him (if I did I would have voted for him), but I do support the truth and regard a lot of what is reported and believed by many people on Trump is absolute garbage.

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Is there any chance Biden can win now?

Trump was high risk. The new therapeutic drugs have smashed Covid 19.

That doc is some smooth operator

Trump 13/8 with Ladbrokes.

He is still the front runner, but Trump now has a foothold. Democrats need to respond sensibly and not with hysteria. If it comes down to Trump saying we need to get back to our lives and live with Covid versus Biden saying we need to listen to the medical experts and shut down the economy if they tell us to, it certainly changes the election dynamic.

Oh tie a yellow ribbon
Round the old oak tree

Trump brushes off Covid and gets back to running the free world, meanwhile the Micks are planning on building a bed over the whole country to hide under.



Would you take Donald Trump as Taoiseach ???

In a heartbeat

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Right now, Iā€™d take Panti Bliss as head honcho

Donā€™t be afraid of Covid. Donā€™t let it dominate your life.

Trump Trump Trump

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Assume Don will ensure that his walking out the hospital will be same time as prime time tv on the east coast

Heā€™ll ride out the front door on a Harley.


Covid is hiding under the bed at this point.

Just before the 7PM NFL kickoff Iā€™d imagine.

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Trump down 9 in ruby red Arizona in a post COVID Sienna poll, itā€™s only gone once for the Democrats Clinton in 1996 since LBJs landslide in 1964. Also down 15 in a CNN national poll released today. Stick a fork in him heā€™s done.

Two-thirds of Americans say President Donald Trump handled the risk of coronavirus infection to others around him irresponsibly, according to a new poll in the days following the announcement that the President had contracted the virus that has disrupted everyday life for millions of people for more than half a year.

With Trump hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 69% of Americans said they trusted little of what they heard from the White House about the Presidentā€™s health, with only 12% saying they trusted almost all of it.

Disapproval of the Presidentā€™s handling of the coronavirus outbreak stands at a new high in the survey, with 60% saying they disapprove. Additionally, 63% say his own infection is unlikely to change anything about the way that he handles the pandemic.

A chopper. ā€œCovidā€™s dead baby. Covidā€™s deadā€.

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With Melania on the back I assume?

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