US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Vice presidential debate tonight



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Et tu Rasmussen

Trump really likes Regeneron

He’s a small bit confused there, he was given the REGN-COV2 antibody cocktail at the White House before he went to Walter Reed. It’s in phase 1/2 trials right now and the results are encouraging so far.

Red Rover.

Did he get a box on his cheek?

Looks like a bigger hiding than Jimmy Carter got in 1980

Fuck that’s depressing, Sleepy Joe is going to be POTUS.

Hopefully after a few months the Dems put an end to the charade and KH steps in because you can’t have this chap bleating come on man to President Xi, Vlad and the like.

His right eye looks fooked alright.

Is this potentially better then a vaccine?

I think Pence could turn the whole thing on its head tonight. Hes a ,ot more reserved than Trumo, a seasoned debater and a good and calm speaker. What do you reckon @Tierneevin1979 ?

For some people probably. It seems to work best for people that have a hard time making their own antibodies, it’s essentially designer antibodies made in the lab to target the COV-2 virus.

I reckon Kamala will tear him a new asshole, she is quite vicious when she needs to be.


I have absolutely no idea whether this Tweet is right or not, but just throwing it out there.

I will also say that my gut feeling is that Americans don’t care about 100,000s dying from the opioid epidemic, or being killed in gang violence or dying homeless and most of them deep down won’t give a fuck about the coronavirus pandemic either.

Mike Mike Mike!!!

Pence holding his own from what I’ve seen in this. No demolition job anyway.

Great job Mike, super performance

CNN here are very upset, think Kamala missed the opportunity: “she should have said this” or “she should have said that”

Pence made shit out of me wan.

Typical boring VP debate, neither one did themselves any harm but Harris had more to prove and passed the test. Moderator was a joke, make them answer the question you asked.

We like Mike, we like Mike.

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